If you stay consistent to the sport you will eventually get good, but you have to just want it more to be the best.

But my promoter Frank Warren knows what he is doing, and has been through this cycle many times with other fighters.

I was told I would be back in 90 days. If I listened to people, I would be back where I came from - the penitentiary.

They said if I'd fight a ranked contender, I'd get a title shot. I did that, and the next day they changed the rules.

I don't predict knockouts. The outcome and the performance I am looking for is a victory, nothing less than a victory.

I could put everything I got in the bank on my abilities and skill and will, and what I'm capable of doing in the ring.

If my son wants a boxing career, I won't stop him, but I definitely won't push him. It's bad for a kid to be pressured.

I have a very fit body and have never faced any major injury problems. So yes, the secret to my success is my fit body.

Yes, we have to look at our opponents and study our opponents. But you have to look at you first and know you can do it.

We try to tell these guys that the end of a boxing career isn't the end of their lives: it's the beginning of a new one.

I either had to concentrate on fighting, or I had to help my family. I chose my family. I love my mom; I love my family.

It's fun when you're winning and performing well, but it's also hard because now you get older, you got responsibilities.

Anybody who thinks I'm taking this fight for a paycheck doesn't know me. My whole life I've been achieving the impossible.

Scary movies are my favorite. My kids love Hocus Pocus. I'm a big fan of Sleepy Hollow with Johnny Depp and Freddy Krueger.

Working with one of the best strength trainers in the world, I'm getting more dangerous. I'm getting stronger and stronger.

You go through pain. You feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable, uncomfortable until you change. I acquired a different outlook.

Far superior to the pleasures and rewards of the illusion that is Earthly life are the pleasure and rewards of the Reality.

The British press hate a winner who's British. They don't like any British man to have balls as big as a cow's like I have.

There is nothing more important than staying alert, reading your opponent, that counts for both inside and outside the ring.

The worst damage a person - a fighter or even a person that's just everyday living - is shorten your life by your lifestyle.

When they throw punches, the breathing, the sparring. The heavy bags being hit. All of that - it was a heavenly sound to me.

I don't care what you have done before or what you are capable of: if you come up against a guy like me, you are in trouble.

Looking back, I couldn't get enough fights because Don King owned most of the top 10 fighters, and he never gave me a fight.

Every Saturday and Sunday, when the other guys were out having a good time at the mall, I was at home working in the garden.

Honestly, I don't like to brag about myself, but I really think I'm the only boxer who came out better from a Hopkins fight.

I can easily get a gold in the 48 kg. category, but 51 kg., it's difficult because other boxers may have a height advantage.

I'm fighting for the Commonwealth title on Saturday and I believe I'll be ready for a world title shot in the next 18 months.

I was only 18 and I'd be 22 if I was competing at London. I'm stronger and more experienced and I know I would have won gold.

Like every other athlete, I always dreamt of playing at the Olympics, and it feels really good to see that dream materialize.

When you have somebody that's smart and you're not so smart, to me that's modern day slavery because you're being dictated to.

I like the old school, then I add the new school, and I got a concoction of greatness. I can't miss; you can't miss with that.

To me, you can be young in your mind, in the way you think, but if your body don't come with that, then it's wishful thinking.

I'm easygoing. There's a place and time for everything. When that bell rings, I'm not nice and easy. I'm not meek and passive.

People make excuses [for not wanting to fight me]. It has a lot to do with my style. I'm a crafty fighter but I can also punch.

[Michael Spinks] didn't belong in the same ring as me, but I wasn't taking good care of myself because of drink and he beat me.

To live in a world where truth matters and justice, however late, really happens, that world would be heaven enough for us all.

The craziest thing about it, I used to hate fighting, but you had to show how tough you was; you had to show you wasn't no punk.

This is the hardest part for me. Just the waiting - the waiting to fight. The work has all been done, and you just have to wait.

Chocolate Kinder from Germany. My wife is from Germany and once I tasted them I was scared I would have to fight at heavyweight.

Basically, as a leader, I try not to make any mistakes, because there's a lot of people watching even though you don't think so.

I got knocked down. Anybody could be knocked down, anybody can be knocked out, but it's not what happened, but what happens next.

I like the Klitschko boys, I think they're in a class of their own. I like Manny Pacquiao. All the super-middleweights are great.

The beauty about boxing fights is that they offer lots of opportunity to really learn something about yourself and your opponent.

Hagler was a puncher-slugger. He'd box sometimes, but boxing wasn't his forte. His thing was relentless punishment and 'beat you.'

It's two sides to everybody. I'm a manager - I'm a promoter - and I'm a fighter, so it is two sides to me. That's a balance there.

Sometimes you get so frustrated that things aren't working out, you say, 'Let me step away for a while.' But the fire still burns.

Oscar De La Hoya and Bernard Hopkins is an event where actors and actresses will come out, and I give all credit to Oscar for that.

I had a good chance when I went to Beijing and the guy who beat me, I'd beaten him three weeks before and he went on to win silver.

I decided to do something I've been wanting to do for a long time - go get a chef and a nutritionist - and I brought them on board.

I was lucky. I held on to some of my money. I didn't really know what I wanted to do after boxing. But I found what I wanted to do.

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