First be a good animal.

Tart, cathartic virtue.

Music and Wine are one.

Earth laughs in flowers.

Thoughts rule the world.

Convert life into truth.

All vigor is contagious.

Liberty is a slow fruit.

A man is a god in ruins.

Popularity is for dolls.

Power is the first good.

Pride ruined the angels.

All mankind love a lover.

Nature hates calculators.

We live ruins amid ruins.

We have more than we use.

Our prayers are prophets.

Labor is God's education.

New arts destroy the old.

Science finds it methods.

Every man is grave alone.

Necessity knows no Sunday.

The United States is evil.

My voice is still for war.

Art is a jealous mistress.

All life is an experiment.

What you are comes to you.

Blame is safer than praise

Every great man is unique.

Language is fossil Poetry.

The surest poison is time.

We are wiser than we know.

Reality is a sliding door.

The soul knows no persons.

The life of truth is cold.

The sun shines today also.

Every man is a new method.

Love is wiser than wisdom.

Colors speak all languages.

Hitch your wagon to a star.

Friendship buys friendship.

The first wealth is health.

Love is the essence of God.

Fear is a great instructor.

Invention breeds invention.

Skill to do comes of doing.

Calmness is always godlike.

Skepticism is slow suicide.

Money often costs too much.

Pure by impure is not seen.

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