Manchester United will be hoping their bench can come off the bench

We have to keep calm and stick together; that's the key to success.

Referees don't come down here with a particular flavoured shirt on.

I have to work hard and give my all in games and training sessions.

If Arsenal don't finish third, they might not finish in third place.

I listen to my body but I'm just thankful to be alive so that I can.

That's twice he (Terry Phelan) has got between himself and the goal.

The power which football has is enormous. Football moves the masses.

Be mindful of your self-talk. It's a conversation with the universe.

Sandro's holding is face. You can tell from that it's a knee injury.

A lot of clubs have lost the perspective of what is a football club.

At the World Cup, it's the very top level. It's going to be tougher.

You can shape statistics to make them look however you want them to.

The only thing Norwich didn't get was the goal that they finally got

We'll not give up even if we're 12 points behind with one game left.

Fig Newton: The force required to accelerate a fig 39.37 inches/sec.

Messi is the best that's played the game. Streets ahead of Maradona.

I am absolutely delighted to get back into football with Livingston.

I would never play in England in another shirt other than Arsenal's.

At United, we like to have wingers who give the team width and pace.

Lahm is the most intelligent player I have ever trained in my career

The midfield picks itself - Beckham, Scholes, Gerrard and A N Other.

Football, for me, is an infinite passion that will always be around.

We Brazilians, happily or unhappily, leave a lot to the last minute.

You're always going to be struggling if you haven't got a left foot.

There are not many better clubs to play football for than Liverpool.

The day I leave Paris is the day I go down a level or quit football.

Most things come from inside; they're intuitive. That's the way I am.

I think there's no purpose for writing music if it is not meaningful.

Aston Villa have literally metaphorically had their pants pulled down

As a goalkeeper, you always expect every team to give you nightmares.

John Guidetti is a typical English striker. Even though he is Swedish

I have a massive fear of going stale and falling into a comfort zone.

Footballers are kept in such a bubble that horse racing is a release.

Politics come from man. Mercy, compassion, and justice come from God.

I'm going to Inter to see if they will let me play a bit of football.

Who will win the League? It's a toss of a coin between three of them.

There's nothing unusual about serving the same employer for 23 years.

The Dutch change positions quicker than you can make a cup of coffee.

I think Southampton will finish above teams that are well below them.

If you stand still there is only one way to go, and that's backwards.

I played for 30 years, 20 with England and I did it by setting goals.

I think Mbappe will win the Ballon d'Or, there's no doubt about that.

I had a certain system at penalties, I always watched the goalkeeper.

I still trust my penalty sytem and will be there when I'll be needed.

With Senna, I am not incompatible; I am not incompatible with anyone.

I'm used to having a camera in my face but not a camera following me.

Nothing is written in stone, as a career is an unpredictable journey.

I went through the process of trying to convince myself I was not ill.

With each passing minute comes the chance to dream, create and inspire

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