Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

To be proud of knowledge is to be blind with light.

A good spouse and health is a person's best wealth.

Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days.

Words may show a man's wit but actions his meaning.

Diligence overcomes difficulties; sloth makes them.

Hear no ill of a friend, nor speak any of an enemy.

America cultivates best what Germany brought forth.

Pride gets into the Coach, and Shame mounts behind.

The wise and the brave dares own that he was wrong.

If Pride leads the Van, Beggary brings up the Rear.

When the well is dry, they know the worth of water.

Genius without education is like silver in the mine.

Wink at small faults; remember thou hast great ones.

Fart for freedom, fart for liberty—and fart proudly.

It is the religion of ignorance that tyranny begins.

It is better to take many injuries than to give one.

After crosses and losses men grow humbler and wiser.

The foundation of all happiness in thinking rightly.

Many dishes many diseases, Many medicines few cures.

If you'd lose a troublesome visitor, lend him money.

There is no such thing as a good war or a bad peace.

He who gives up freedom for safety deserves neither.

Love your Neighbour; yet don't pull down your Hedge.

Paintings and fightings are best seen at a distance.

Remember, Sir, that [England] began the slave trade!

The only certain things in life are death and taxes!

Philosophy as well as foppery often changes fashion.

What maintains one vice would bring up two children.

The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason.

Trusting too much to others care is the ruin of many.

Man will ultimately be governed by God or by tyrants.

Lose no time; be always employed in something useful.

Write your injuries in dust, your benefits in marble.

Many complain of their memory, few of their judgment.

Our whole life is but a greater and longer childhood.

To whom you betray your secret you sell your liberty.

If you desire many things, many things will seem few.

Never spare the parson's wine nor the baker's pudding

Interest which blinds some People, enlightens others.

Carelessness does more harm than a want of knowledge.

Industry and patience are the surest means of plenty.

Would you persuade, speak of interest, not of reason.

Who is rich? He that is content. Who is that? Nobody.

Those who prefer security to liberty deserve neither.

In a discreet man's mouth, a public thing is private.

Mankind are dastardly when they meet with opposition.

Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself.

Let thy maid servant be faithful, strong, and homely.

Rather go to bed without dinner than to rise in debt.

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