How does one practice mindfulness? Sit in meditation. Be aware of only your breath.

There are three things that cannot long be hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth.

When your mind is set in meditative equipoise, you can see reality exactly as it is

Follow the way of virtue. Follow the way joyfully through this world and on beyond.

An ignorant man ages like an ox. His flesh may increase, but not his understanding.

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds

You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.

It is wise for us to forget our troubles, there are always new ones to replace them.

I want to live perfectly above the law, and make it my servant instead of my master.

Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life.

Do not judge yourself harshly. Without mercy for ourselves we cannot love the world.

Awake. Be the witness of your thoughts. You are what observes, not what you observe.

Many do not realize that we here must die. For those who realize this, quarrels end.

To avoid causing terror to living beings, let the disciple refrain from eating meat.

If the mind be fixed on the acquirement of any object, that object will be attained.

Tune as the sitthar, neither high nor low, and we will dance away the hearts of men.

As long as one feels that he is the doer, he cannot escape from the wheel of births.

Any young man who is unmarried at the age of twenty one is a menace to the community.

The only men who become Gods, even the Sons of God, are those who enter into polygamy

Mutual respect and mutual listening are the foundations of harmony within the family.

Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and give your whole heart and soul to it

Let go of anger. Let go of pride. When you are bound by nothing You go beyond sorrow.

I will not look at another's bowl intent on finding fault: a training to be observed.

Until he has unconditional and unbiased love for all beings, man will not find peace.

To eat meat is just a habit after we were born. In fact, we are not born to eat meat.

All wrong-doing arises because of mind. If mind is transformed can wrong-doing remain?

Since everything is a reflection of our minds, everything can be changed by our minds.

To share happiness, and to have done something good before leaving this life is sweet.

Don't rely on logic alone, nor speculation. Don't infer or be deceived by appearances.

The easiest beneficence is a smile. The simplest release is to have a vegetarian meal.

Our religion will not clash with nor contradict the facts of science in any particular.

Do not be jealous of others' good qualities, but out of admiration adopt them yourself.

"Existence is sorrow." Understand, and go beyond sorrow. This is the way of brightness.

If you find someone with wisdom, good judgment, and good actions; make him a companion.

Anger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind.

Offensive acts come back upon the evil doer, like dust that is thrown against the wind.

Be quick to do good. If you are slow, the mind, delighting in mischief, will catch you.

In our interactions with others, gentleness, kindness, respectare the source of harmony

There is nothing love cannot face; there is limit to its faith, its hope and endurance.

Beware of the dogs, beware of the evil workers, beware of those who mutilate the flesh!

My mind becomes tired, and perhaps some of yours do. If so, go and exercise your bodies.

In the adversity of our best friends we often find something that does not displease us.

Speak or act with a pure mind, and happiness will follow you as your shadow, unshakable.

One moment can change a day, One day can change a life and One life can change the world

In protecting oneself, others are protected; In protecting others, oneself is protected.

The kingdom of heaven is closer than the brow above the eye but mankind does not see it.

Dharma is not upheld by talking about it. Dharma is upheld by living in harmony with it.

Yet the Teaching is simple. Do what is right. Be pure. At the end of the way is freedom.

Through effort you will cross any raging flood, through energy you will pass any sorrow.

By defilement of mind, beings are defiled; by purification of mind, beings are purified.

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