[On an epitaph for herself:] Under here, we're all equal.

I have a slight contrarian impulse I can't seem to shake.

I'm not a big planner. Things always sort of surprise me.

I've done everything from research to stuffing envelopes.

When witnesses concoct lies, they often miss the obvious.

To die with honor when one can no longer live with honor.

If it doen't make sense, you should find for the defense.

It is well to be independent also well not to be neutral.

My nomination to be Governor was not to gratify ambition.

Where there is no difference, there is only indifference.

To me, the most obscene word in our language is celibacy.

If the property belongs to God he is able to pay the tax.

Happiness is the legal-tender of the soul. Joy is wealth.

Become one of the rare people who don't know how to quit.

Success is all about consistency around the fundamentals.

Other people's opinions of you are none of your business.

Slow, steady progress is better than fast, daily excuses.

Power, carried to extremes, is always liable to reaction.

There is no "true Islam," just different interpretations.

Equality of opportunity is the essence of social justice.

I want spend some time continuing to be a force for good.

We live under a government of men and morning newspapers.

On a single winged word hath hung the destiny of nations.

Many men know how to flatter, few men know how to praise.

A good lawyer knows how to shut up when he's won his case.

Early admission programs tend to advantage the advantaged.

You are not practicing Judaism if you celebrate Christmas.

Faced with the pain of freedom, man begs for his shackles.

Everyone wants to argue. Everyone does. Everyone needs to.

I'm a civil rights attorney. I'm a victim rights attorney.

What an insignificant life is this which I am now leading!

There is no greater good in all the world than motherhood.

If you're doing something wrong, you deserve to be caught.

I've always been a leader in the push for revenue sharing.

Judgment of the people is often wiser than the wisest men.

Race determines everything in the criminal justice system.

The future doesn't just happen - it's shaped by decisions.

Islam is the only religion that gives dignity to the poor.

Most faults are not in our Constitution, but in ourselves.

It was not easy to get all my questions answered, frankly.

I found that the clergy did not understand their own book.

Few rich men own their property; their property owns them.

Words can INSPIRE and words can DESTROY. Choose YOURS well

Saying "I'll try" really means "I'm not really committed."

The results of your life reflect the standards you've set.

Today's a great day to change a life. Starting with yours.

Few things feel as unbelievably great as working out hard.

Beneath every excuse lies a fear. Practice being fearless.

Some disappointment is always the price of brave dreaming.

People do business with people who make them feel special.

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