Governments don't control people like they used to.

The Internet has compromised the quality of debate.

Access to a school library results in more reading.

I like the cold weather. It means you get work done.

Obama himself has been highly supportive of Mubarak.

Responsibility, I believe, accrues through privilege.

The U.S. is off the spectrum in religious commitment.

For the powerful, crimes are those that others commit.

Expressing criticism of society is not being a grouch.

Religion is based on the idea that God is an imbecile.

The European reaction to Obama is a European delusion.

If you want to end terrorism stop participating in it.

Iran is independent and independence is not tolerated.

Children read more when they see other people reading.

What Wikileaks exposed is kind of superficial in a way.

Rendition is just sending people abroad to be tortured.

Not one poor reader reported a lot of pleasure reading.

The Bible is one of the most genocidal books in history.

If it's wrong when they do it, it's wrong when we do it.

Democracy has both expanded and declined over the years.

I would appear on Fox News more easily than I would NPR.

The best defense against democracy is to distract people.

A democracy barely functions under the neoliberal system.

The first democratic revolution was England in the 1640s.

What's next? Shall we appoint elephants to teach zoology?

How it is we have so much information, but know so little?

Whoever sets the agenda controls the outcome of the debate

There is always room for Gramsci's "optimism of the will."

The Republican Party among the public is a minority party.

Remember, weapons of mass destruction don't mean missiles.

I have been - I have spoken in Bir Zeit a number of times.

He who controls the media controls the minds of the public.

If you don't like what someone has to say, argue with them.

It takes one minute to tell a lie, and an hour to refute it.

If we choose, we can live in a world of comforting illusion.

The internet is something created largely by public funding.

Parts of the United States are taking on a Third World look.

On the Internet, you think everything is going to be public.

Hearing stories has a direct impact on literacy development.

Texting is fingered speech. Now we can write the way we talk.

It's a near miracle that nuclear war has so far been avoided.

I am opposed to the accumulation of executive power anywhere.

They, students have a degree of freedom that nobody else has.

Isn't it interesting that eating a banana is somehow comical.

If you want to achieve something, you build the basis for it.

Young people's reading choices are influenced by their peers.

If voting could actually change anything, it would be illegal.

See, people with power understand exactly one thing: violence.

Independent development can be a virus that can infect others.

I don't feel that I have anything to say beyond moral truisms.

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