The Warrior knows the value of persistence and of courage.

A faithless fan can make a team lose a game they have won.

If you want to understand love, first learn about freedom.

True wisdom consists in respecting the simple things we do

Not everyone can see his dreams come true in the same way.

If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.

To find a new British composer who is really good is rare.

Picture you upon my knee, just tea for two and two for tea.

We don't need to explain our love. We only need to show it.

An awareness of death encourages us to live more intensely.

If you love someone, you must be prepared to set them free.

Each moment spent searching is also a moment spent finding.

Although anxiety is part of life, never let it control you.

Books are not about messages. I write to understand my soul

Lie down on the ground and feel the planet's heart beating.

Enthusiasm is the force that leads us to the final victory.

Everyone, when they are young, knows what their destiny is.

A good, true, intense love is not complete without madness.

Most important and most vulnerable of human emotions; Love.

I had this dream to become a writer since I was a teenager.

With confidence, he open the door of life presented to him.

A threat need not provoke a response if it is not taken up.

Love one another, but let’s try not to possess one another.

Always saying, "I tried" when you didn't really try at all.

Courage in the path is what makes the path manifest itself.

Reason is afraid of defeat, But intuition enjoys challenges

Early risers catch the world waking and see its true colors.

You are your own best friend. Never ever, put yourself down.

Sometimes you have to travel a long way to find what is near

If we don't face our fears, our fears will chase us forever.

Love is looking at the same mountains from different angles.

The Lord only demands of us what is within our capabilities.

You may not be winning, but this doesn't mean you are losing

If you pay attention to the present, you can improve upon it

Be a source of joy. And let haters complain about the world.

You had to take risks, follow some paths and abandon others.

I'd have stopped writing years ago if it were for the money.

I savour the idea of my new state: single and a millionaire.

A Warrior of the Light does not accept gifts from his enemy.

A Warrior of the Light cannot always choose his battlefield.

What other people think is more important than what we feel.

There is no such thing as a strange world, only a new world.

Writing is one of the most solitary activities in the world.

A brush with death always helps us to live our lives better.

Every song, the title dictates the architecture of the song.

When you collaborate, you have to be willing to scrap a lot.

Some things I cannot change, but 'til I try I'll never know.

I think the arts are very important for children growing up.

When I'm not near the girl I love, I love the girl I'm near.

Say, it's only a paper moon, / Sailing over a cardboard sea.

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