Live your life so that you’ll have no regrets. No matter how hard, no matter how sad, if something is precious to you, protect it with both arms.

She was my sacred angel that I could never violate. Reira was my sanctuary. I needed something solid like that in this dirty, disappointing world.

The table was her stage. The mobile phone was the microphone. And the new moon was the spotlight. That kind of magic only Nana could make it happen.

One day you will be the one called Master (Naruto). You'll be the one to treat others to ramen. We can't stay kids forever." - Shikamaru Nara (Naruto)

When dawn comes, that memory gradually distances...Tonight, I will bring it to sleep with me, so that will not be taken away by the waves of the night.

For my 20th birthday in March, I'll buy myself a present for doing my best. A one way ticket to Tokyo. All I need is my guitar and a pack of cigarettes.

His hands are saying that he wants to hold her. His feet are saying that he wants to chase after her... He's probably forgotten that I'm here, beside him

So that's it? Your just going to give up?! After everything that has happened, your not going to even try?! You still don't know..... what truly matters.

People say love can be developed, but in the end, the only person you love is yourself. That's why you choose to love someone who can please you the most.

I didn't think much about foreign readers when I began 'Naruto,' but I knew that many of the artists who influenced me had already been accepted overseas.

Hidan: That was pitiful! What happened there, buddy? Kakuzu: You should talk. I wasn't the one who fell for a shadow clone! Hidan: Ahaha, right. You saw that?

For us who choose our dreams over our love the only thing we can do for love is perhaps to release the lock around our necks. Through that, the pain may vanish.

Darkness... When everything that you know and love is taken from you so harshly, all you can think about is anger, hatred, and even revenge. And no one can save you.

Say, Nana... You look like stray cat, wild and proud. But I can see the wound in your heart. At the time I just thought it was cool. I never realized how hurt you were.

Trapnest means “The Trapped Den” Once we enter it, we can’t get out by our own means I thought that that name could only come from a man who love having power over other.

You have someone in your life whom you honor and revere so much that every hurt on them is inflicted on you as well. And the closer they are to you, the greater the pain.

The things that stress me out haven't changed. But I don't wanna lose anything. So I thought that at least I would change. I'm lucky...that I'm afraid of losing something.

If you want to kill me, despise me, hate me, and live in an unsightly way... Run, and cling to life, and then some day, when you have the same eyes as I do, come before me

It takes a lot of strength to hold onto and care for the things we love, so why is it that god seems to have made humans unable to conjure up that degree of power and love?

I wanted to have a good relationship. One that's romantic and dramatic, like in the movies. But I finally became a woman at 17 and learned that men aren't really that simple.

Someone with inborn talent isn't happy. It's those who have worked hard for someone precious to them and who can be hot-blooded that are happy." -Gai Sensei: Naruto Episode 196

I always thought that life was about standing your ground, no matter how strong the current was. But going with the flow isn't so bad after all. As long as it takes you forward.

Even now, sometimes on street corners... when I meet someone, I see your shadow. I'm sure that even now, you're still wearing that man's cologne... so you can sleep, even alone.

Even if you fulfill your hearts desire, by sacrificing something important, you may not necessarily be happy. Happiness doesn’t come in one form, it determined by your own heart.

Sasuke: Snakes can sense things through temperature, and they can also do it with their sense of smell by passing the smell in the mouth." Itachi: You've learnt a lot...Dr. Snakes

I think of you as a friend. I used to think "friend" was just another word... Nothing more, nothing less. But when I met you, I realized what was important was the word's meaning.

Cinderella's glass shoe was the perfect size.... so why did it slip off as she ran? It must have been to attract the attention of Prince Charming. I don't see any other explanation.

You know Nana, I searched and searched, but could never find the key that unlocked the way. And now that I've stopped looking, I've finally found it. Maybe the door will open for me.

We don't know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths. As death comes to embrace you, you will realize what you are. That's what death is, don't you think?

I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like and things I hate… I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future… never really thought about it. As for my hobbies… I have lots of hobbies.

If that is what this world is, what humans are... There is no future. Understanding and faith... If you take those away, all that's left is fear. I can't accept immoral methods or giving up.

We didn't say good bye. But we knew it would be the end if we were apart. There was no reason to call or write letters. As it would have been meaningless, if we couldn't hold each other tight.

You know Hachi, your life depends only on ourselves. I’m still convinced about this… But I’ve also learned to accept that people… don’t all become as strong, and it made me kinder than before.

It took us five hours to reach Tokyo, but I was really happy. I kept talking about myself, and didn't hear anything about Nana. But now that I know you better; I know you wouldn't say anything.

I took the life of the woman I was supposed to call mother in the process of being born... in order to become the world's strongest shinobi... an incarnation of sand was implanted inside of me.

Many things happened in my life, and I thought that they changed me. But in the end, nothing has changed since I was seventeen. If I could keep today’s happiness I wouldn’t worry about tomorrow.

Kabuto: It's always easier said than done. I just said that this jutsu had no weaknesses or risk... Itachi: Every jutsu has its weakness. This jutsu's weakness and risk is...the existence of me!

Hey, Hachi People always say that you only discover how precious something is after you lose it--- but I think, you only really recognize it... when you see it a second time face to face. -Nana Osaki

We are all farsighted, we give importance to those things that are far from us, while neglecting the things that are close to us... only to realize their value later when they are out-of-reach again.

I feel the same way about all my friends. To me, the exact relationship between me and someone else doesn't matter much. But people want to label everything... So I guess I seem indifferent in that way.

Hey...You.. What's life without eyebrows, freak? Got a new listing for your bingo book right here!! A guyis going to be the next lord hokage of Konohagakure village. Uzumaki Naruto! Konoha-school NINJA!

Exaggeration can lend action scenes more force, but I like to stick to more realistic figures: They help keep the cool in the action scenes, although they may be not as forceful as the exaggerated ones.

You were a stray cat, strutting so free and full of pride. But I could see your open wound. And without really thinking I just chalked it up to another cool thing about you. I never realized how much you hurt.

Sasuke is always in the corner of my mind. Naruto and Sasuke progress as a pair. So when I write about Naruto, I always have to think about Sasuke. They are on opposite sides of the spectrum, like yin and yang.

Sure, in a ninja's world, those who violate the rules and fail to follow orders...are lower than garbage. However...those who do not care for and support their fellows...are even lower than that!" - Obito Uchiha

Sasori, your strength came because of your soul, not in spite of it... You were supposed to be a a top-class ninja puppeteer, not a worthless nobody who lets someone else pull the strings. - Kankurou (Naruto Ch 518)

I don't care if I'm loved back, I still want to love someone.�Someone, from the bottom of my heart...�Straightforward, unwavering...�It seems like such a simple thing, so then why....�...Must it be so incredibly hard?

In this world, whenever there is light, there are also shadows. As long as the concept of winners exist, there must also be losers. The selfish desire of wanting to maintain peace causes wars and hatred is born to protect love.

In this sleepless night, as the darkness advances, look up at the sky and somehow remember that somewhere in this wide world, there are always people who love you, and people who need you. Because every person can't go on living alone.

Nana acts like a stray cat, wild, free, and proud.... ...But inside her heart, she houses a wound. Dense as I am, i thought that. This trait of hers was a part of her charm as well. ..but she never realized how much pain it brought her.... -Nana Komatsu

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