Your grief path is yours alone, and no one else can walk it, and no one else can understand it.

Such simple instincts as bees making a beehive could be sufficient to overthrow my whole theory.

[Audubon's works are] the most splendid monuments which art has erected in honor of ornithology.

I have tremendous faith in God that all things happen for a reason, even if we don't understand.

Intelligence is based on how efficient a species became at doing the things they need to survive.

There is no fundamental difference between humans and the higher mammalsin their mental faculties

Thomson's views on the recent age of the world have been for some time one of my sorest troubles.

Living with Steve was like standing in a cyclone. Then we lost him. It was like the wind stopped.

I found that Steve's passion for wildlife and willingness to lay his life on the line so exciting.

What birds can have their bills more peculiarly formed than the ibis, the spoonbill, and the heron?

The world will not be inherited by the strongest, it will be inherited by those most able to change.

It may be doubted whether any character can be named which is distinctive of a race and is constant.

I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious views of anyone.

Every new body of discovery is mathematical in form, because there is no other guidance we can have.

Style supposes the reunion and the exercise of all the intellectual faculties. The style is the man.

The most energetic workers I have encountered in my world travels are the vegetarian miners of Chile.

Thus we have given to man a pedigree of prodigious length, but not, it may be said, of noble quality.

I have at least, as I hope, done good service in aiding to overthrow the dogma of separate creations.

The poor monkey, quietly seated on the ground, seemed to be in sore trouble at this display of anger.

The moral faculties are generally and justly esteemed as of higher value than the intellectual powers.

The main conclusion here arrived at ... is that man is descended from some less highly organized form.

I feel like an old warhorse at the sound of a trumpet when I read about the capturing of rare beetles.

The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts.

Worms have played a more important part in the history of the world than humans would at first suppose.

I cannot see ... evidence of design and beneficence ... There seems to me too much misery in the world.

Steve always said that he didn't care if anyone remembered him, as long as they remembered his message.

In my solitude I have pondered much on the incomprehensible subjects of space, eternity, life and death.

It is mere rubbish thinking, at present, of origin of life; one might as well think of origin of matter.

It is a fatal fault to reason whilst observing, though so necessary beforehand and so useful afterwards.

I feel sick and disempowered, betrayed, angry and crushed by the corruption of all that I know is right.

We need to stand as a nation, a state, a community to protect wildlife and wild places for our children.

If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin.

Even people who aren’t geniuses can outthink the rest of mankind if they develop certain thinking habits.

Rassemblons des faits pour nous donner des idées. Let us gather facts in order to get ourselves thinking.

On the ordinary view of each species having been independently created, we gain no scientific explanation.

Our descent, then, is the origin of our evil passions!! The devil under form of Baboon is our grandfather.

The survival or preservation of certain favoured words in the struggle for existence is natural selection.

People without independence have no business to meddle with science. It should never be linked with lucre.

I hold with Henry George, that at the back of every great social evil will be found a great political wrong

My mind seems to have become a kind of machine for grinding general laws out of large collections of facts.

The age-old and noble thought of 'I will lay down my life to save another,' is nothing more than cowardice.

On your life, underestimating the proclivities of finches is likely to lead to great internal hemorrhaging.

In studying other cultures, we learn more about ourselves and our relationship to all things in this world.

The dog has no ambition, no self-interest, no desire for vengeance, no fear other than that of displeasing.

The determination I have to try to continue Steve's work and make the world a better place is so important.

Civilisation has ever accompanied emigration and conquest - the conflict of opinion, of religion, or of race

I hold with Henry George, that at the back of every great social evil will be found a great political wrong.

I can remember the very spot in the road, whilst in my carriage, when to my joy the solution occurred to me.

I have friends who have lost husbands and have gone off and tried different things. Nothing wrong with that.

Civilisation has ever accompanied emigration and conquest - the conflict of opinion, of religion, or of race.

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