I am a big fan of the Coen Brothers; I like their kind of absurd, dark approach.

We need to learn to get along with each other and learn how to help one another.

You can pay Uncle Sam with all your overtime, is that all you get for your money?

What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.

George, if you had to do it all over, would you fall in love with yourself again?

Everything is a present. Everything. This I learned to be thankful for everything.

They say there's a heaven for those who wait, some say it's better I say it ain't.

When I played my first concert with an orchestra, I was eight years old in Berlin.

I get no satisfaction just showing myself in every corner of the world every week.

What a woman does is open doors. And it is not a question of locking or unlocking.

I call it the Etch A Sketch life. Every few years, you should shake that thing up.

A person may look strong on the outside, but may need another's emotional support.

The inside of the tune [the bridge] is the part that makes the outside sound good.

you may be right, I may be crazy, but it just might be a lunatic you're looking for

Like family, we are tied to each other. This is what all good musicians understand.

I've sort of become the poster boy for quitting your job and following your dreams.

What makes bebop legitimate is the fact that when it was done, it was illegitimate.

Everyone is influenced by everybody but you bring it down home the way you feel it.

I don't ever consciously change gears when I play jazz or classical. It's all music.

People are always setting conditions for happiness... I love life without condition.

Slow down you're doing fine You can't be everything you want to be before your time.

It should be easy for a man who's strong to say he's sorry or admit when he's wrong.

I look at some of the songs I wrote years ago and I can't believe I wrote such crap.

Every concert I've finished with the knowledge I've played a fistful of wrong notes.

One does not play the piano with one's fingers, one plays the piano with one's mind.

One does not play the piano with one's fingers: one plays the piano with one's mind.

I call it 'the Etch A Sketch life.' Every few years, you should shake that thing up.

This is the beauty of popular music, that it is based on simple and memorable tunes.

Strip away the phony tinsel of Hollywood and you'll find the real tinsel underneath.

I don't have a definition of Jazz. You're just supposed to know it when you hear it.

That adage about genius being 5 percent inspiration and 95 perspiration - it's true.

I'm writing new music all the time. I'm just not writing pop stuff. It's not my goal.

I truly believe greatness is in all of us. Don’t let anyone talk us out of our truth.

Music was our food... When we can play, it can't be so terrible. The music, the music!

You get paid like a really good call girl. Walking offstage is like the walk of shame.

I really wish I was less of a thinking man and more of a fool not afraid of rejection.

Yes, they're sharing a drink they call loneliness But it's better than drinkin' alone.

Streetlife serenaders Have no obligations Hold no grand illusions Need no stimulation.

I want to make music that somehow connects to the things that I love in America music.

I am not doing something that it is experimental music in relation to classical music.

The real advantage for me is that I have the opportunity to lead worship every Sunday.

If you really understand the meaning of be-bop, you understand the meaning of freedom.

I don't want some pretty face to tell me pretty lies, all I want is someone to believe.

Performing is very much like cooking: putting it all together, raising the temperature.

The best thrill is standing on stage and playing - other than being married to my wife.

You can have either the Resurrection or you can have Liberace. But you can't have both.

The Beatles, 'Revolver.' It's pop. It's classic. It's experimental. It's revolutionary.

I'm a concert pianist, that's a pretentious way of saying I'm unemployed at the moment.

I recorded with Sinatra, but the recording business is a very strange strata right now.

A note can be as small as a pin or as big as the world, it depends on your imagination.

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