I intend to launch a massive National Program for PDS Computerisation.

India is a youthful nation. Can't we think of exporting good teachers?

Electoral reforms are necessary if India has to be rid of black money.

I don't want to increase taxes, I just want taxes to be paid honestly.

I don't see, I think, any problems between India and the United States.

They are fighting for the chair while I am fighting for your happiness.

Celebrate the birth of a girl child by planting 5 trees in your village.

If you are determined nothing can stop you from determining your dreams.

Cleanliness & good sanitation in schools is a matter of high importance.

We have successfully achieved the target of building toilets in schools.

There can be no better place than India to manufacture, expand, and grow.

I dream of a Digital India where access to Information knows no barriers.

Reforms are not an end in itself. Reforms must have a concrete objective.

India seeks friendly relations but without compromising on its interests.

We have to build the capacity of our institutions, employees and workers.

We must ensure that technology is accessible, affordable, and adds value.

I can say that out of 365 days, I manage to do yoga on at least 300 days.

Economic policy and decision making do not function in a political vacuum.

Every day, the Prime Minister is a 24-hour servant of the people of India.

Whatever Language Pakistan understands India should teach in that language

I did not make any big speeches but acted upon working against corruption.

I am in fear, there is no humour left in public life because of this fear.

Philosophically, I feel that India will progress only if we work as teams.

If 125 crore people work together; India will move forward 125 crore steps.

In China, the social network is a bit different. But I am active there too.

We must question why the smartest students don't choose to become teachers.

Religion to me is devotion to work and devotedly working is being religious.

I too belong to an OBC caste but I have never used my community to get power

Lab to land - how to get what is done in the lab to the land, to the farmer.

I regularly interact with officers over tea; it is part of my working style.

Ladakh's Prakash, Paryavaran, Paryatan are a strength for both J&K and India.

Truth, Peace and Non-violence form the central tenets of the 'Idea of India'!

The emergence of India as a major global power is an idea whose time has come.

By getting an opportunity to serve society, we get a chance to repay our debt.

I want to do small things, for small people, and to make the small people big.

If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, he's probably LK Advani

When approached right, citizens never fail to shoulder their responsibilities.

I dream of a Digital India where high-speed Digital Highways unite the Nation.

We live in an inter-dependent world. An isolated India is not in our interest.

Both teachers and students must move ahead together for the nation to progress.

Each of has a natural instinct to rise like a flame. Lets nurture that instinct

The MPs are not adopting villages; it's the villages that are adopting the MPs.

At G-20 summit, I worked with US and other countries to bring black money back.

We must enable farmers to feed India and the world; and earn a good livelihood.

The provision of toilets is a minimum requirement for the dignity of our women.

I look upon India-U.S. nuclear cooperation as an act of historic reconciliation.

Based on my experience, I can say that India country can be freed of corruption.

We are committed to achieving the fiscal deficit target announced in the budget.

I dream of a Digital India where the world looks to India for the next Big Idea.

I dream of a Digital India where 1.2 billion Connected Indians drive Innovation.

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