God forgets those who reject proof that they are wrong.

Flattery leads to vulgarity; the flatterer is despised.

Limitless is your potential. Magnificent is your future.

Don't make the kinds of mistakes that will bring regret.

I am the last leaf on the tree, and the wind is blowing.

Some of our finest work comes through service to others.

All writers should be put in a box and thrown in the sea.

We cannot be unclean and expect the help of the Almighty.

A man should eat slowly, properly, even if he eats alone.

With small means the Lord accomplishes His marvelous work.

Anyone with two tunics should share with him who has none.

Before reciting his prayers, a man should give to charity.

Get on your knees and pray, then get on your feet and work.

It is selfishness which is the cause of most of our misery.

God has saved you to make your appearance in the last days.

The Lord is forgiving, but sometimes life is not forgiving.

Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!

Better a superstitious believer than a rational unbeliever.

When you help scholars, you gain a share in their learning.

Give expression to the noble desires that lie in your heart.

A nation will rise no higher than the strength of its homes.

Revival is the eruption of God's heart on a life poured out.

Faith is not only in the heart; it should be put into words.

Man must not rely on pure reason; he must mix faith with it.

Toothaches afflict those who have no compassion for animals.

The man who disobeys his parents will have disobedient sons.

You can't plow a field simply by turning it over in your mind.

Mediocrity will never do. You are capable of something better.

Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight.

You will find peace and happiness if you will live the gospel.

Every individual in the church is free to think as he pleases.

If we take good care of one another, God will take care of us.

When a father is quick to lose his tempre, his sons are fools.

Let us never forget to pray. God lives. He is near. He is real.

It is difficult to press forward if we do not know how to obey.

The Torah itself becomes coarse in the mouth of a man of pride.

When we speak quietly one to another things somehow get settled.

Cultivate within yourselves the mighty power of self-discipline.

Strength to do battle begins with enlisting the strength of God.

Seek to establish an environment conducive to study in the home.

People seem to be looking for discipline in a topsy-turvy world.

True religious movements prosper and flourish under tribulation.

Without labor there is neither wealth, nor comfort, nor progress.

Life is precious. Life is sacred. And it ought so to be observed.

Always wear a smile. The gift of life will then be yours to give.

Elderly men who are popular with young women usually lack wisdom.

Be grateful, be smart, be clean, be true, be humble, be prayerful.

Don't live your life as though you were measuring it with a ruler.

If you tell a lie to make a person better, then that is not a sin.

Feel no sadness because of evil thoughts: it only strengthens them.

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