I would like my work to be thought of as a celebration of life and nature.

The thing about coming back to the Bay Area, it's like coming home for me.

I laugh with the sun, and mist that tries so hard to seduce the mountains.

Public money should be spent on art but through individuals not committees.

I have been back in Paris for two weeks. Nothing new. Life is still bitter.

Photography is used to give evidence, and the evidence is always deceiving.

For a thorough use of ice cream cones, buy two; eat one and drop the other.

Living in a warehouse is great - but after a while, you just want a garden.

I'm trying to make work that is reflective and is encouraging of reflection.

What is commonly called ugliness in nature can in art become full of beauty.

I think your subconscious knows far more than your conscious, so I trust it.

My work is not about my life history. It's not about the story of my neurosis

I would have to talk for a year to repeat a single on of my works with words.

I have had the problem of seeing my male model go to Italy and... stay there.

You find me at work; excuse the dust on my blouse. I sculpt my marble myself.

Souls will never ascend to Heaven until the sight of beauty lifts them there.

I started working for Bethlehem Steel when I was about 16 during the summers.

My work is not about my life history. It's not about the story of my neurosis.

I am like a moon that shines on an immense, unknown sea where ships never pass

I don't believe that you can put content into art. The content is in yourself.

A beautiful thing never gives so much pain as does failing to hear and see it.

My aim is to show the visible as possibility in a state of perpetual becoming.

The idea is there locked inside. All you have to do is remove the excess stone.

Read the heart and not the letter for the pen cannot draw near the good intent.

Mine was not pop art. I maybe started with a subject, but I changed the subject.

Ox-Bow was a very free place, very open. You could do whatever you wanted to do.

If I was prime minister, I would declare a state of emergency on climate change.

Glass is the most magical of all materials. It transmits light in a special way.

My soul can find no staircase to Heaven unless it be through Earth's loveliness.

If people knew how hard I worked at my art, they would not consider me a genius.

Sculpture is like farming. If you just keep at it, you can get quite a lot done.

All works of nature created by God in heaven and on earth are works of sculpture.

I was my father's sidekick, in a way. He was a very dominant, forceful character.

If people say, 'You can't do that,' you can be sure I will do my utmost to do it.

Focused attention necessarily has an edge, but as focus changes, the edge shifts.

Do you know that women who are chaste remain much fresher than those who are not?

He who does not master the nude cannot understand the principles of architecture.

I am Indian, and I'm proud of it. Indian life is mythologically rich and powerful.

I am 5ft 10in. I got my height from my dad, who was very rangy. I like being tall.

I am interested in solving an unknown factor of art and an unknown factor of life.

Painting and sculpture help other people to see what a wonderful world we live in.

You leave space for the body, imagining the other part even though it isn't there.

Everything we choose in life for its lightness soon reveals its unbearable weight.

Every time I ask questions about sex, I always end up asking questions about death.

I'm convinced that, in the end, art is not for the artist but for their fellow man.

Mystery is like a kind of atmosphere which bathes the greatest works of the masters.

My father was a very controlling man, and it was a big relief to get away from that.

You must always be open to your luck. You cannot force it, but you can recognize it.

Perchance that I might learn what pity is, That I might laugh at erring men no more.

I no longer identify myself as Japanese or American but a 'citizen of the universe.'

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