The world has changed. People have amazing access to whatever they want, whenever they want it.

Las Vegas is amazing because of the clientele you have here. People come from all over the world; it really is a melting pot.

I'm so fortunate in my career to be able to share with viewers my travels and experiences with some amazing and talented people and to bring that inspiration to television, books, and the digital world.

When Usenet was eclipsed by websites in the late 1990s, people from that world - many of them programmers - wanted to bring the freewheeling, amazing discussions of Usenet to the web. And thus, RSS was born.

YouTube is an amazing platform to talk about social issues because it gives people the ability to tell their own stories and reach audience around the world who may otherwise never be exposed to these people and conversations.

There are some amazing people around who can tell stories about drag from the '60s and in New York, like the amazing club kid drag. About drag from around the world. So people should be asking questions and listening to stories.

Some countries that I go to are still trying to deny that it's happening. In India, 2.1 million people are living with HIV AIDS. India manufactures most of the drugs that are used to cure HIV around the world, which is an amazing, amazing fact that most people don't know.

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