It is better to be the hammer than the anvil.

In this world a man must either be anvil or hammer.

One forges one's style on the terrible anvil of daily deadlines.

I keep waiting, like in the cartoons, for an anvil to drop on my head.

Freedom is hammered out on the anvil of discussion, dissent, and debate.

We are always on the anvil; by trials God is shaping us for higher things.

Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil is rightwise king born of all England.

A family is a place where principles are hammered and honed on the anvil of everyday living.

Harsh counsels have no effect; they are like hammers, which are always repulsed by the anvil.

The anvil of justice is planted firm, and fate who makes the sword does the forging in advance.

A politician is the devil's quilted anvil; He fashions all sins on him, and the blows are never heard.

How about 'anvil babies' - because that is what anchor babies are around the necks of the American taxpayer.

For all your days be prepared, and meet them ever alike. When you are the anvil, bear - when you are the hammer, strike.

Iron till it be thoroughly heated is incapable to be wrought; so God sees good to cast some men into the furnace of affliction, and then beats them on his anvil into what frame he pleases.

The country blacksmith who employs no journeyman is never conscious of any conflict between the capital invested in his anvil, hammer and bellows, and the labor he performs with them, because in fact, there is none.

The character of Jim 'The Anvil' Neidhart added so much. He was solid in the ring too, really good. His role in the Hart Foundation - he was great. He was a really good, solid power guy that could move in there, too.

It is a fantastic initiative by the ministry to develop Aakash Tablet, a mobile device that can be utilised by students anywhere. It was successfully tried out. The second and third versions have come out and the fourth version is on the anvil.

The first time I saw nitroglycerine was in the beginning of the Crimean War. Professor Zinin in St. Petersburg exhibited some to my father and me, and struck some on an anvil to show that only the part touched by the hammer exploded without spreading.

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