I'll never graduate from collagen.

I'm a big fan of lip fillers and collagen waves.

My lips, I've used collagen. I line my lips with collagen.

Skin is made in large measure of a protein called collagen.

Too much collagen will damage the skin. You will get collagen overload.

Every six months I fly to Dallas to get botox and I also get collagen injections.

The wheels of Hollywood grind very slowly so I'm going to have some collagen or some sort of plastic surgery.

When you use a simple gelatin like collagen, you can get flavor that is 100 percent pure, maybe event 150 percent.

In our world of sleek flesh and collagen, botox and liposuction, what we most fear is the dissolution of the body-mind, the death of the brain.

I laughed and laughed so much my lip burst open and collagen filler started to dribble out. I'd had a bit too much filler put in the week before.

I remember when I was starting out as a young actress, thinking, 'Oh my God, I have the fattest face.' Now I look at those pictures and I think, 'So much collagen!'

I'm mildly obsessed with skin care. I do a lot of masks at home, like Elisha Coy's Korean Collagen masks. I also use an embarrassingly wide variety of facial creams.

Yeah, some kids called me fish lips because I had these really full lips. Now I'm sure all those same girls are getting collagen injections, so I'm having the last laugh.

I have tried Botox, and I don't like it because it stops you being able to move your facial muscles which, as an actress, are essential. But I do have collagen injections.

Of course L.A. has its mad bits: you can get a collagen cappuccino if that's what you really want. But the American Dream is so ingrained in the American culture, and the place you go to find it is L.A.

Those women with collagen lips just look like frogs - 'muffin mouths,' I call them. There's not a line on their brows, and all the emotion gone from their faces, like all those actresses in 'Desperate Housewives.'

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