Study nature as the countenance of God.

A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance.

A pleasing countenance is no light advantage.

A good countenance is a letter of recommendation.

Where the countenance is fair, there need no colors.

A gift, with a kind countenance, is a double present.

The cheek Is apter than the tongue to tell an errand.

The hand will often reveal more than the countenance.

An unforgiving eye, and a damned disinheriting countenance!

You don't carry in your countenance a letter of recommendation.

People's opinions of themselves are legible in their countenances.

The habits of life form the soul, and the soul forms the countenance.

Great hatred can be concealed in the countenance, and much in a kiss.

I trow that countenance cannot lie,Whose thoughts are legible in the eie.

The countenance is the portrait of the soul, and the eyes mark its intentions.

A smile is the same as sunshine; it banishes winter from the human countenance.

American people simply will not countenance being lied to by their own President.

A pleasing countenance is no slight disadvantage. [Lat., Auxilium non leve vultus habet.]

Neither poetry, nor ambition, nor love have any alertness of countenance as they pass by me.

Smiling always with a never fading serenity of countenance, and flourishing in an immortal youth.

Your smile will give you a positive countenance that will make people feel comfortable around you.

His neigh is like the bidding of a monarch, and his countenance enforces homage. He is indeed a horse.

It opens the lungs, washes the countenance, exercises the eyes, and softens down the temper; so cry away.

Perpetual pushing and assurance put a difficulty out of countenance and make a seeming difficulty gives way.

Dissembling profiteth nothing; a feigned countenance, and slightly forged externally, deceiveth but very few.

There is in every human countenance either a history or a prophecy which must sadden, or at least soften every reflecting observer.

The battle for the individual rights of women is one of long standing and none of us should countenance anything which undermines it.

Physically, I've seen a change in my life. No, I haven't had a face lift or anything like that. I've grown. That's God's countenance.

There is a peculiarity in the countenance, as everybody knows, which, though it cannot be described, is sure to betray the Englishman.

There is a crisis on the Right. It sees the Jewish and democratic state as a democracy for the Jews. This is something I cannot countenance.

David and his followers taught no new doctrines, in their dispersion or when they came to power, that can be brought to countenance thee at all in shaving off thy beard.

It is a base thing for the countenance to be obedient and to regulate and compose itself as the mind commands, and for the mind not to be regulated and composed by itself.

I leave to others the decision as to the good or evil tendencies of my character, but such as it is it shines upon my countenance, and there it can easily be detected by any physiognomist.

For many young women, the dream of independence and a home of their own is a tantalising goal, while a lifetime devoted solely to catering for another person's needs would be hard to countenance.

People who live together naturally catch the looks and air of one another and without having one feature alike, they contract a something in the whole countenance which strikes one as a resemblance.

Heaven can never countenance the barbarous and unmanly practice of the Britons in America, which savages would blush at, and which, if not discontinued, will soon be retaliated on Britain by a justly enraged people.

He was a horse of goodly countenance, rather expressive of vigilance than fire; though an unnatural appearance of fierceness was thrown into it by the loss of his ears, which had been cropped pretty close to his head.

There are no better cosmetics than a severe temperance and purity, modesty and humility, a gracious temper and calmness of spirit; and there is no true beauty without the signatures of these graces in the very countenance.

Our communications reflect in our countenance. Therefore, we must be careful not only what we communicate, but also how we do so. Souls can be strengthened or shattered by the message and the manner in which we communicate.

And these two elements are at odds with one another because Freud is utterly adversary to almost all the ways of structuring the human experience found in Western religions. No Western religion can countenance Freud's view of man.

I have known a vast quantity of nonsense talked about bad men not looking you in the face. Don't trust that conventional idea. Dishonesty will stare honesty out of countenance any day in the week, if there is anything to be got by it.

The point I'm trying to make is that you go to church on Sunday. But the real Christ is out there in your life every day, whether it be the guy you help on the street, how you live your life, and your countenance that makes people want to be you.

I've just concluded - since President Obama endorses the same-sex marriage, advocates homosexual people, and enjoys an attractive countenance - thus if it becomes necessary, I shall travel to Washington, D.C., get down on my knee, and ask his hand.

O Christ, on you the many-eyed cherubim are unable to look because of the glory of your countenance, yet out of your love you accepted spittle on your face. Remove the shame from my face, and grant me to have an unashamed face before you at the time of prayer.

This man, although he appeared so humble and embarrassed in his air and manners, and passed so unheeded, had inspired me with such a feeling of horror by the unearthly paleness of his countenance, from which I could not avert my eyes, that I was unable longer to endure it.

I feel there's a power in theatre, but it's an indirect power. It's like the relationship of the sleeper to the unconscious. You discover things you can't afford to countenance in waking life. You can forget them, remember them a day later or not have any idea what they are about.

One thing I struggled with early in my career was the delicate balance between my performance and my identity. When things on the field went well, I was cheerful and felt important. When things went poorly, my countenance and self-concept plummeted, and I was not pleasant to be around.

Both the U.K. and the E.U. have made a sincere commitment to the people of Northern Ireland: there will be no hard border. Equally, as a U.K. government, we could not countenance a future in which a border was drawn in the Irish Sea, separating Northern Ireland from the rest of the U.K.

The mother cannot expect her daughter to understand the mysteries of housekeeping without education. She should instruct them patiently, lovingly, and make the work as agreeable as she can by her cheerful countenance and encouraging words of approval. If they fail once, twice, or thrice, censure not.

It strikes me as hubris that Universal will buy EMI. What it will do is create a super-major that will have far too much power... I think when Universal goes up over 40 percent market share, I don't see how reasonable regulators can countenance. It will impact not just labels, but artists and cultural diversity.

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