You are the mirror of divine beauty.

By our trust in the divine beauty in every person we develop that beauty in ourselves.

Don't see yourself as a body of clay; See yourself as a mirror reflecting the divine beauty.

Love is cure, Love is power, Love is the magic of changes. Love is the mirror, of divine beauty!

The greatest beauty is organic wholeness, the wholeness of life and things, the divine beauty of the universe.

There is divine beauty in learning... To learn means to accept the postulate that life did not begin at my birth. Others have been here before me, and I walk in their footsteps.

Know that however ugly the parts appear the whole remains beautiful... ... the wholeness of life and things, the divine beauty of the universe. Love that, not man Apart from that, or else you will share man's pitiful confusions, or drown in despair when his days darken.

Whether it's a pebble in a riverbed or a soaring mountain peak, I see everything in the world as the handiwork of the Lord. When I paint, I try to represent the beauty of God's creation in my art. Many modern painters see the world as a jumble of random lines and shapes with no divine beauty or order, and their works reflect their viewpoint. Because I see God's peacefulness, serenity, and contentment, I work to capture those feelings on the canvas. My vision of God defines my vision of the world.

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