Apoplexie and lethargie, As forlorn hope, assault the enemy.

Music is the balm that heals the forlorn ache of a distant star.

The ruling ethos of Seattle is forlorn apology for our animal impulses.

Pity the selfishness of lovers: it is brief, a forlorn hope; it is impossible.

and nobody knows what’s going to happen to anybody besides the forlorn rags of growing old

Beyond the Indian hamlet, upon a forlorn strand, I happened on a trail of recent footprints.

In the main, ghosts are said to be forlorn and generally miserable, if not downright depressed. The jolly ghost is rare.

“I often think,” said she, “that there is nothing so bad as parting with one's friends. One seems so forlorn without them.”

When one by one our ties are torn, and friend from friend is snatched forlorn; when man is left alone to mourn, oh! then how sweet it is to die!

I work for the Chicago Cubs, a team with a following so loyal and adoring and a history so forlorn that we were known nationwide as the Loveable Losers.

Looking back, of course, it was irresponsible, mad, forlorn, idiotic, but if you don't take chances then you'll never have a winning hand, and I've no regrets.

On tiptoes the redhead wouldn't even reach my shoulders; she is clearly too young to be a bride. And the willowy girl is too forlorn. And I am too unwilling. Yet here we are.

If I wanted to be Rimbaud, what was I doing in graduate school? Trying to stay out of the army, of course. Graduate study gave me a draft deferment. But I also knew I lacked erudition and polish and was often sunk in forlorn reveries.

I have lots of clothes that I don't wear because I'm bad for impulse buying. They sit in my cupboard looking forlorn, but if I haven't worn something for a couple of months, I usually realise that it would be much better off in one of my friends' wardrobes.

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