Having a good brow can totally brighten your face and give you more of an expressive, youthful look!

I made the fatal mistake of trying to cut my own hair. It makes me look like I have a good face for radio.

You have to look to the future with optimism instead of negative ideas. Take the good and the bad and face it head on.

I have like a whole album of screenshots of my sister's face, and it's hilarious. One look at that and it'll put you in a good mood for the rest of the day.

I look after my skin quite a lot because in this job, it can get stressful. Pimples come out! I cleanse and moisturize, sometimes do face masks. I've also got a Clarisonic, which is good.

The thought of somebody pulling and cutting around my face gives me stomach ache. Plastic surgery would be so painful. What if it doesn't look good? What if they made a mistake? I couldn't do it.

On the ground, I am a professional cricketer - I don't need to wear lipstick. If I want to look good, I know when to wear make-up. I do not accept it being put on my face when I am wearing the India kit.

I have become a little more cynical and, I would like to believe, a little wiser. When I first came to Mumbai, I was very idealistic. Now I can look anyone in the face and tell a lie. But I'm in a good place.

Smacking or chewing really loud and obnoxiously at dinner is a no-no. You know, if we're eating tacos, and I know we gotta use our hands, but if it gets all over your face, it's not sexy to me. That's not a good look.

People would say: 'Look what he has on his face, look at his head. What is this scar? It's so ugly.' Wherever I went, people would look at me. And not because I was a good person or because my name is Franck or was a good footballer, but because of the scar.

There's lots said about me. I have teeth that are way too big for my face or that I am too skinny for my own good... And I can safely say that I have three left feet. But there's nothing I can do about it. That's the way I look, and that's the way I was born.

It'll seem convenient 'cause I am ambassador for the charity, but Look Good Feel Better launched a set of makeup brushes through Priceline, and I use the multi-tasking brush to apply my liquid foundation. It's wonderful. As good as the Bobbi Brown Full Coverage Face brush, which I also use.

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