The good lord gave me a very unusual voice, and gave me the opportunity to learn how to use it.

We had a really good club at Everton who gave me the opportunity to do the job the way I felt it needed to be done.

I feel more mature as a player and I have the opportunity to show why they were all talking about me a potentially good player a few years ago.

I worked for some very good people who have helped me along the way and actually enabled me to have the opportunity to be selected to join the Astronaut Corps.

When I came on to 'Iron Fist,' it was really Colleen Wing that sold it for me. I thought it was a good opportunity to see a really strong female Asian American.

Wrestling and WWE has given me a good opportunity as a talent. I just want to give back and give everything that I can now that I physically can't do this anymore.

I was never lined up outside of my bosses office saying 'Give me an opportunity; there's not a woman in primetime'... I was just trying to be so good they couldn't ignore me.

When 'American Pie' happened, I was so lucky to get that opportunity and I just tried to do a good job in that genre. But the films that inspired me as a kid were, like, Malcolm McDowall in 'A Clockwork Orange.' He was my hero.

I didn't want 'Ramy' to be a commercial, like 'Hey, Muslims are good!' We're underrepresented, so the instinct when we get an opportunity like this is to show people that we're good, that we have the same shared values. What's more important to me is showing that we have the same flaws.

President Bush gave me a tremendous opportunity to serve as the vice president. I enjoyed very much having the opportunity to be a part of his team. He told me at the outset, he wanted me to sign on to be a part of his team - and he was true to his word, kept it. He was tough. He was decisive. He was also a pretty good politician.

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