The life of man is of no greater importance to the universe than that of an oyster.

I believe that we must attach greater importance to the issue of industrial policy in Europe.

The verb is relatively of much greater importance in an Indian tongue than in a civilized language.

Economic growth is not sustainable without nation-building and, even of greater importance, state building.

The destiny of our society is yours to make and you have a vastly greater importance to the world than we do.

The fate of animals is of greater importance to me than the fear of appearing ridiculous; it is indissolubly connected with the fate of men.

There is nothing of greater importance to the well-being of society at large - of man as well as woman - than the true proper position of woman.

From these inconsiderable attempts, some idea may be formed with what success, should Fortune afford an opportunity, I am likely to treat matters of greater importance.

Kids are a huge sacrifice; they change everything - but I'm ready to work for things of greater importance than going out to meet someone for dinner at 10 o'clock at night.

If things are not so good, you may be one to imagine something better. For me, I was able to imagine myself as in a role of greater importance than I would seem to be ordinarily.

There is nothing we could do of greater importance than to have fortified in our individual lives an unshakable conviction that Jesus is the Christ, the living Son of the living God.

I would not go so far as to say that the French trade unions attached greater importance to the struggle for peace than the others did; but they certainly seemed to take it more to heart.

I cannot stress a greater importance than to teach the young generation about the risks of unhealthy eating. A great way to pique their interest in nutrition is to involve them more in the cooking process. They not only will learn to cook for themselves, but also develop a lifetime of healthy habits.

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