It will all end very badly, Gus

If there's one thing Gus Uhlenbeek's got, it's pace and determination.

Anyway, that was the last good day I had with Gus until the Last Good Day.

A man who wouldn't cheat for a poke don't want one bad enough. --Augustus "Gus" McCrae

Dad had a sign of his own. MY BEAUTIFUL FAMILY, it read, and then underneath that (AND GUS).

People, especially successful people, are habitual creatures. They're organized. This makes them productive - Gus Mitchell

When surprised and excited and innocent Gus emerged from Grand Gesture Metaphorically Inclined Augustus, I literally could not resist.

I love making things, like software, and films, and laughter. And working with Gus Silber, to make the Funny Business book, has been a fantastic journey.

Gus knew. Gus knows. I will not tell you our love story, because—like all real love stories—it will die with us, as it should. I'd hoped that he'd be eulogizing me.

If you`re in a safe Republican district, say Congressman [ Gus] Bilirakis,you probably don`t have much to worry about which is why you can get away with talking about death panels.

I love you present tense,” I whispered, and then put my hand on the middle of his chest and said, “It’s okay, Gus. It’s okay. It is. It’s okay, you hear me?” I had—and have—absolutely no confidence that he could hear me. I leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “Okay,” I said. “Okay.

So how’s it going?” “Okay. Glad to be home, I guess. Gus told me you were in the ICU?” “Yeah,” I said. “Sucks,” he said. “I’m a lot better now,” I said. “I’m going to Amsterdam tomorrow with Gus.” “I know. I’m pretty well up-to-date on your life, because Gus never. Talks. About. Anything. Else.

I refer the largest number of my clients to Payce Payroll because the specialize in the restaurant and contractors industries. I am pleased with the service they provide, competitive fees and responsiveness to clients. What most impressed me was that one of the founders, Gus, came to personally meet with me and a client to establish their payroll software. They truly care about their clients.

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