Conviction without experience makes for harshness.

Harshness is for the good of a boy, soft-heartedness will ruin him.

His very chains helped to deceive him about the harshness of his service.

Americans, it seems to me, tend to protect their children from the harshness of life, in their interest.

Harshness and unkindness are relative. The appearance of them may be the fruits of the greatest kindness.

Sarcasm helps me overcome the harshness of the reality we live, eases the pain of scars and makes people smile.

The harshness of my upbringing did not affect me in the negative. But it has affected many people in the negative.

I was affected by the harshness of government, the reality of 16-hour days, and the pressures of modern communications.

It is good medicine to go to a concert hall and forget the harshness of what's going on. It can be a very positive thing.

It is impossible to treat a child too well. Children are spoiled by being ignored too much or by harshness, not by kindness.

The harshness and choice of words can cut deeply. Republicans need to show compassion and to be reasonable when talking to any ethnic group.

In the harshness of the world of technology - in which feelings do not count anymore - the hope for a saving love grows, a love which would be given freely and generously.

Along the way, I've had different advice from different music producers. I've been told to tone it down, that the quiet parts of my voice are appealing and there's harshness to the loud part of my voice.

The worst time was 1983. Love and life and everything went wrong. I reached absolute rock bottom. I saw the Minotaur at the bottom of the abyss. I learnt of the harshness of the world and its impartiality to human failure.

Most of us enter adult life with great ambitions for how we will start our own ventures, but the harshness of life wears us down. We settle into some job and slowly give in to the illusion that our bosses care about us and our future, that they spend time thinking of our welfare.

'Meek's Cutoff' by Kelly Reichardt - it's beautifully shot. It's a complex story. The filmmaker gave a very patient and feminine touch to a story that takes place during a period of history that's very masculine, without losing any of the unforgiving harshness of the reality where the characters found themselves in.

Every one must understand that, whatever be the evil of slavery, it is not increased by its diffusion. Every one familiar with it knows that it is in proportion to its sparseness that it becomes less objectionable. Wherever there is an immediate connexion between the master and slave, whatever there is of harshness in the system is diminished.

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