I will continue to pursue my music and live my life with my family.

My family is the most beautiful thing in my life beyond anything else, even music.

Music is part of life. It is not the real life. I belong to that first: family, children. The important things.

Music has always been part of my family's life. My brother, sister, and I all have the same ability to pick up an instrument and play.

Music is a very integral part of my life because I was born into a musical family, and it's not just a passion... it's everything for me.

Life beyond movies is a lot to me. My family, my friends, fitness, my music, books - just a combination of things I am very passionate about.

I always wanted my music to influence the life you were living emotionally - with your family, your lover, your wife, and, at a certain point, with your children.

I grew up in a world where music was a way of life, and I'm part of a family that in some facet or another, every single one of us has continued to live in that world.

Again, I'm used to speaking to a lot of people; I have a lot of friends and family, and I perform music and speak in front of a lot of crowds. So I share with people already a lot in my life.

I was a product of the relationships with my family, the environment I grew up in; all those things I kind of put on the back burner when I got into music, and my life all changed dramatically.

For me, making music is about my whole life. The basics, the components, simple things - family, living, just going to the market and getting new fruit and veg. That's what keeps my blood flowing.

I still wanted to see the family come back to life. And when that didn't transpire from the music, it kinda made me feel like I was bein' taken advantage of. I thought, when people heard '8 Diagrams,' they'd be like, 'Oh, Wu-Tang is a wrap now - they've lost it.' And I know that we didn't lose it.

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