I always love to dress up, but I usually end up in a leather jacket and boots!

You can't beat a Diane Von Fostenburg wrap dress; I always tend to go for the wrap dresses with a little more structure. I also love Prada shoes.

I love hats; I love putting hats on. They are artwork. You can always go out and find a dress to wear for some occasion, but there are not that many occasions you can wear a hat.

I wore the Marc Jacobs dress, so I love Marc Jacobs. He has a vintage flair. But I've always worn a lot of vintage stuff, so it hasn't been a lot of designers. If I see something that I like, I just buy it.

I kind of love going to weddings - it's a guilty pleasure. I've never been the wedding-y type girl dreaming about the big day, the dress, but I always cry. Always. Even if I don't know the bride that well, I'm verklempt!

Everybody has their own style. I'm very particular in what I like, and I try to keep it that way. I always have big appreciation for other people's styles, and I love seeing how other people dress themselves through their own influences.

I've noticed that a lot of people who criticize me are from the U.K. - both in the press and on social media. Since I've been here, I've gotten a lot of stares on the street, but in the States, people always come up to me and say, 'I love your hair' or 'I love your dress, you're so cute.' Here, people just look at me like I'm a crazy person.

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