I met Carl Sagan quite a few times - a fantastic and amazing person. I love him. Neil deGrasse Tyson is a good friend, too.

I love Jessica Chastain. I love her; she's amazing, and she's such a good actress, and she's been nominated for Oscars, and she's just a big role model to me. I love her.

I would love to be an amazing singer. I take voice lessons. It's good to have as a dancer - to be able to sing and act, too, because for a Broadway show or musical, you have to be able to do everything.

What I've enjoyed most, though, is meeting people who have a real interest in food and sharing ideas with them. Good food is a global thing and I find that there is always something new and amazing to learn - I love it!

I'm a product fiend. I love the Clarisonic cleansing brush; it's an amazing exfoliator that gets rid of all the dirt every day. And I use Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Clarifying Lotion - I don't break out that much, but I feel like it's a good preventative.

I admire Kings of Leon. I think their records are amazing. Just from hanging out with them, I can say they're good guys. It's cool to see that they get to do what they love. But I think they clearly have an appreciation for where they came from, and it has shaped who they are.

A little bit of sun does wonders! With good protection, of course. Vitamin D is just so good for your hair and your nails. I also love coconut water and coconut oil from Whole Foods. It's amazing. You can cook with it, shower with it... you come out of the shower like a slippery seal, but it works.

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