OMG, I am a married woman!

For a married woman to flirt is a sin.

I'm a married woman. I love my husband; I have a good life.

A married woman has the same right to control her own body as does an unmarried woman.

I'm a married woman, so I'm not bothered what other men think of me - but I still want James to fancy me.

I was a married woman and I had a baby. I would have adored it, but I just couldn't do it because I'm a lady.

There's nothing in the world like the devotion of a married woman. It's a thing no married man knows anything about.

There is nothing in the world like the devotion of a married woman. It is a thing no married man knows anything about.

I'm a heterosexual, married woman with children. I'm a mother who's also a track mom, who cooks and cleans. And I just happen to be an ally for the gay community.

My parents are both pastors. In the '80s and '90s in the mainstream Christian world, it was not really common for a woman - especially a married woman and a mother - to be a pastor.

A married woman has the same natural right to acquire and hold property, and to make all contracts that she is mentally competent to make reasonably, as has a married man, or any other man.

The married woman as family provider beside the man, often also in place of the man, but always however subservient to the man's dominion - this is the worst form of woman slavery our time has created.

When I got engaged to be married, it was assumed that I would quit science and be a housewife. It was considered shameful if a married woman had to work - it implied that her husband couldn't earn enough to keep her.

People have quite a simple idea about 'Anna Karenina.' They feel that the novel is entirely about a young married woman who falls in love with a cavalry officer and leaves her husband after much agony, and pays the price for that.

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