Sometimes, my manager is caught off guard by me talking to myself, so he'll start talking back to me.

If I start feeling down I'll gorge myself on pasta. That usually does the trick. It's the Italian blood in me.

If I make assumptions about the audience and start overthinking things, I can drive myself crazy about how the audience perceives me. I try not to do that anymore.

Flowers heal me. Tulips make me happy. I keep myself surrounded by them as soon as they start coming to the island from Canada, and after that when they come from the fields in La Connor, not far from where I live.

I was disappointed in everything - my start and the team's start. People got down on me, but I never got down on myself. I still believed I could be the type of player everyone, including me, thought I was going to be.

My manager and fellow YouTuber, Mike Lamond, encouraged me to start a YouTube channel as a way to practice speaking, entertaining, and being more comfortable in front of a camera. In the beginning, I used an $80 dollar flip-camera and edited every episode myself.

I feel really blessed when people start comparing me with Sachin, but I keep myself focused on my performance and not on such comparisons. I literally worship him, so I don't see too much in this comparison. No cricketer has been able to score one hundred centuries like Sachin.

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