Obstinacy alone is not a virtue.

How much must I overcome before I triumph?

Obstinacy can bring only a penalty and no reward.

Obstinacy in a bad cause is but constancy in a good.

Nothing is more obstinate than a fashionable consensus.

The Roman world is in collapse but we do not bend our neck.

Obstinacy is ever most positive when it is most in the wrong.

One of the satisfactions of a genius is his will-power and obstinacy.

Sheer obstinacy is very very important for anybody who wants to create.

May God in his mercy enable us without obstinacy to perceive our errors.

And obstinacy is the sister of constancy, at least in vigour and stability.

A narrow mind begets obstinacy; we do not easily believe what we cannot see.

Who is so deaf or so blind as is he that willfully will neither hear nor see?

Obstinacy is the result of the will forcing itself into the place of the intellect.

'Tis known by the name of perseverance in a good cause, and of obstinacy in a bad one.

No man is good for anything who has not some particle of obstinacy to use upon occasion.

The obstinacy of cleverness and reason is nothing to the obstinacy of folly and inanity.

The obstinacy of the indolent and weak is less conquerable than that of the fiery and bold.

Obstinacy standing alone is the weakest of all things in one whose mind is not possessed by wisdom.

I have always had the urge to open forbidden doors: with a curiosity and an obstinacy that verge on masochism.

The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't.

Public opinion is a compound of folly, weakness, prejudice, wrong feeling, right feeling, obstinacy, and newspaper paragraphs.

Writing, for me, was a feat of self-preservation. If I did not do it, I would die. So I did it. Obstinacy, not talent, saved my life.

Like the periwig and the bowler hat, the plus-four and the bow-tie, the blazer is on the way out, and those who persist in wearing it do so with a smattering of self-consciousness, a touch of obstinacy, even a pinch of camp.

When a woman falls in love with me, I feel guilty. I am convinced that it's pure obstinacy that keeps me from reciprocating her passion. As I explain to her that I'm gay, it sounds, even to me, like a silly excuse; I scarcely believe it myself.

I invite you, citizens, to open your eyes and to give serious attention to the future. Reflect on the disasters which may ensue from longer obstinacy. Submit to lawful authority, if you wish to preserve the South untouched. Save your families and your property.

Measures of policy are necessarily controlled by circumstances; and, consequently, what may be wise and expedient under certain circumstances might be eminently unwise and impolitic under different circumstances. To persist in acting in the same way under circumstances essentially different would be folly and obstinacy, and not consistency.

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