A concave chest means that your diaphragm is sagging.

Brilliantly lit from stem to stern, she looked like a sagging birthday cake.

A lot of movements use women's involvement to shame men when recruitment is sagging.

There's too many good musicians around for the music around for the business to be sagging.

If I see something sagging, dragging and bagging, I’ll get it nip, tucked, sucked or plucked.

I don't want to have a song like 'My Humps' and it be sagging down, so I pay attention to that area. A lot.

Quotology disdains no quotations whatsoever, a duty it bears stoutly, with bloodshot eyes and sagging shelves.

Sagging wrinkles, hanging breasts and many another sign of age are part of gravitation's slow relentless handiwork.

When we are dealing with death we are constantly being dragged down by the event: Humor diverts our attention and lifts our sagging spirits.

A bright smile has the strongest electrifying power to lift up the sagging morale and light up a depressed face effortlessly and immediately.

Time is a vindictive bandit to steal the beauty of our former selves. We are left with sagging, rippled flesh and burning gums with empty sockets.

I have always been a grumbler. I am designed for the part - sagging face, weighty underlip, rumbling, resonant voice. Money couldn't buy a better grumbling outfit.

The world is sagging, snagging, scaling, spalling, pilling, pinging, pitting, warping, checking, fading, chipping, cracking, yellowing, leaking, stalling, shrinking, and in dynamic unbalance.

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