Four things for success: work and pray, think and believe.

I always believe that it is his hard work that pays for a film's success.

We believe that the business system only is the key to success. It's no miracle, only day-to-day work in the appropriate way.

Ego stops you from getting things done and getting people to work with you. That's why I firmly believe that ego and success are not compatible.

Tiger is a sincere and hard working actor. I have always found him passionate about his work. He is not the kind to believe in taking short-cuts to success.

You have to give guys tools to win with, and if they have success with them then they believe in you. If you don't have anything in your bag to work with, then they won't believe.

All our reporters and editors now work seamlessly in print and online. This integration has transformed the way we work. I believe this is vital to the success and growth of newspapers.

We need to build on the success of Social Security by developing bold and innovative ways for Americans to build wealth and save for retirement. I believe we can work together in a bipartisan manner to accomplish these goals.

I don't believe in a recipe for success. You have to work hard; you may not always get it right - you have to bounce back from situations, and you have to be really focused and determined. It's important to have fun as well. Work shouldn't be a torture.

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