Because of a great love, one is courageous.

Because of a great love, one is courageous.

True words seem false.

The Way to do is to be.

Act without expectation.

Dignified, like a guest.

Movement overcomes cold.

Stillness overcomes heat.

The Way is ever nameless.

Every step is on the path.

Simple, like uncarved wood.

Obscure, like muddy waters.

Pursue without interfering.

The most able seems clumsy.

Heavy is the root of light.

The great image lacks shape.

Gain or loss, what is worse?

Return animosity with virtue.

The small is easy to scatter.

The rigid tree will be felled.

To be of few words is natural.

Stillness is easy to maintain.

The sage acts by doing nothing.

Yielding is the way of the Tao.

The most straight seems curved.

The purest white seems stained.

Praise and disgrace cause fear.

The light of the Way seems dim.

The Tao is told is not the Tao.

Our seeing is sexual initially.

The brittle is easy to shatter.

Meet the big while it is small.

By compassion one can be brave.

A good wanderer leaves no trace.

A good speaker does not stutter.

High and low rest on each other.

Stillness is the ruler of haste.

Those who show off do not shine.

Must one dread what others dread?

First and last follow each other.

The highest tone is hard to hear.

Yielding, like ice about to melt.

The perfect square lacks corners.

Peace and quiet govern the world.

The unyielding army will not win.

Those who boast are not respected.

Not valuing wealth prevents theft.

The most fundamental seems fickle.

Yielding is the manner of the Way.

By moderation one can be generous.

A good counter needs no calculator.

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