I feel like I always touch my hair all the time so I'm always correcting it.

I've been working in the music industry since I was 15 years old, and I feel like I've always been ahead of my time.

Architects always have a feel for time - the generation they live in - as we do, and they are always striving toward boundless adventure.

Whenever I counsel someone who feels called to be an evangelist, I always urge them to guard their time and not feel like they have to do everything.

I always feel like I want more time with my kids. But I reject the notion that you can't have it all. I think you can: just not necessarily in abundance.

Things slow down, the ball seems a lot bigger and you feel like you have more time. Everything computes - you have options, but you always take the right one.

You can only get to a certain point when you feel confident with the simulator and it always changes when you get to the track and you actually drive it for real for the first time.

When you stop being nervous is when you should retire. I'm always a little nervous for anything I do because when complacency sets in, that's when I feel it's time to move on to something else.

I was always lonesome. The only time I felt accepted or wanted was when I was on stage performing. I guess the stage was my only friend: the only place where I could feel comfortable. It was the only place where I felt equal and safe.

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