This is not the time to marry. My country is calling me. I have taken a vow to serve the country with my heart and soul.

I am very proud of my years spent at this club, giving it my heart and soul. I finished my time at Real Madrid giving it all I had.

Some books are a revelation. They come along at just the right time for just the right reasons. They become heart books and soul books.

I want to only be part of films that are worth my time. I give my heart and soul for four-five months and I don't want that to go in vain.

Every time a bookseller hands a child a book, they are doing something that is the heart and soul of the American dream and the American ideal. It's a very sacred tradition.

I'm fighting for the heart and soul of the Republican Party and I think if I win this campaign that people will take notice and the next time they select a candidate, they will look at the principles.

In the Jewish tradition, there is at the same time Jerusalem in the heavens and Jerusalem on the ground. Jerusalem is a living city, but also the heart, the soul of the Jewish people and the state of Israel.

When I sing, I go somewhere else. Every time after I sing, I'll ask, 'Did I do OK?' Because I feel like it's like my soul squeezing out of my vocal chords. I don't sit there and think about 'I'm gonna do this next...' I just sing. I sing from my heart, and my heart's got a little lonesome in it.

Because I've been so blessed with a background in nursing and spent so much time with patients at a really intimate, vulnerable time in their lives, the one lesson I've learned is that you never turn down a challenge where you can keep your creative integrity and your heart and soul and your sense of self.

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