Every time I make a record, it's make-or-break time. I hope I always have that mentality - that's what keeps me fired up.

I usually stick out my hand and hope he puts the ball in it. Except the one time I went out to take Early Wynn out. I stuck out my hand and he hit me right in the stomach with the ball.

People keep asking me if the Boosh is coming back, and I say, 'I hope so.' I'm not bothered people ask me about it. TV's become quite disposable, so to make something that lasts a bit of time - it won't last forever - is quite nice.

I'm looking forward to the time they describe me as the former president. And, of course, there are pressures from my own party and other Sudanese parties also, and I succumb to those pressures, but I hope as soon as possible I can find an exit out of this.

To me, there are certain things you lay claim to proudly and others you hope the people look over them, and for me, the NWA title throwdown is something that I wear like a badge of honor and what we did and what it achieved for ECW at the time, and ultimately we failed, but damn, we came close to grabbing those keys to the kingdom.

I would hope that people didn't think I was anything like Joan! It's very hard for me because Joan says such cruel things all the time. It sort of makes me cringe every time I read them because I think, 'Who could be so horrible?' To be able to deliver those lines and do them with a coolness, yet still make her likable, is a bit of a challenge.

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