Turning 50 gives me more yesterdays than tomorrows.

Some turn to vinegar, but the best improve with age.

Youth is the gift of nature, but age is a work of art.

We have learned to take life seriously, but never ourselves.

One must not only die daily, but every day we must be born again.

There's nothing stressful about turning 50 except people reminding you about it.

I enjoy speaking to other women about turning 50, and how we can enjoy it, and how we can explore it

Now that rock is turning 50, it's become classical in itself. It's interesting to see that development.

I have enjoyed greatly the second blooming... suddenly you find - at the age of 50, say - that a whole new life has opened before you.

My career was about to change radically, in turning 50 I had hit the age where my Dad made a big career and his life started to unravel.

By the time we hit fifty, we have learned our hardest lessons. We have found out that only a few things are really important. We have learned to take life seriously, but never ourselves.

When I turned 50, I said to myself, well, if this is what it's like turning 50, I can't wait to turn 60 because I still felt very, very mentally and physically good, outside my back surgery.

Turning 50 changed me and I'm far more accepting of myself. I'm not thin, but I am a size 10. I go in at the middle and very much out at the bottom and top. And now I think, 'Well, that's how I am.

Turning 50 can be difficult, sometimes dangerous, for women. The danger is in that blip that can come from the fact that you become invisible, and if you're not careful and don't embrace that, it can trip you up and you lose confidence.

Except ye become as little children, except you can wake on your fiftieth birthday with the same forward-looking excitement and interest in life that you enjoyed when you were five, "ye cannot enter the kingdom of God." One must not only die daily, but every day we must be born again.

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