I walk fast. Keep moving. Always be a moving target. Marilyn Monroe taught me that.

When I walk down the street, even here in the U.S., they are always saying my catchphrases of my characters, and they shout at me with my catchphrases.

Sounds are something that I always emulate - I'll walk around, and if a coffee pot goes off or a phone rings, I'll often mimic the sound. To me, everything's got a voice.

I think that sense of wonderment, where you walk out expecting the ordinary and are confronted by the extraordinary, is something that has always interested me, whether in TV or comic books.

I've always had really wonderful people around me. But early on, I remember I would walk into a session or go do something with some musicians, and they viewed me, basically, as their chick singer.

I'll go to an event wearing some designer gown and tens of thousands of dollars in jewels that were lent to me for the night, and I'll walk around and meet people who I always thought were such a big deal.

People don't follow me around, and they don't stop me in a way where it's excessive or invasive. It's always respectful. If it's not, I set my boundaries, and I walk away. That's just what you kind of have to do.

What has always surprised me when I walk into a bookstore is the number of books that you can find that are written with certainty. The authors tell some story as though it's true, but they don't have any evidence that it is true!

Rod's always opening doors for me, but I usually tell him to walk through first. Otherwise, if we're at a restaurant and I'm in front, the paparazzi end up getting a big giant close-up of me, and then he's trailing behind, looking like my little child!

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