Just because 'Planes' is an animated movie doesn't mean I don't take my work seriously. You can always push yourself to be better.

Always let your work talk for yourself. No matter how much you give interviews or how much you are written about, it is always the performance which counts.

I just feel like bands always need to work harder than the hardest working band. You need to constantly be one-upping yourself and surprising yourself at how hard that you'll work and devote yourself to your craft.

Everybody has a way to get to college. You study in high school, you do your work. There are always grants or loans that can be available. I guarantee you - if you want it, you can get it. Don't close the door on yourself.

Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions - Why am I doing it, What the results might be and Will I be successful. Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead.

I try to balance it out on the whole. Being a mum is always the priority. Next, it's taking care of yourself. Right now, I get to only work two days a week - it's a dream. I can't imagine how hard it is for mothers who work 40 hours a week.

Video game voicing is absolutely different from cartoon work. In cartoons, you're almost always there with the entire cast, and the entire script is acted out in sequence. With video games, it's you by yourself, in a room with a script you just got when you walked in.

I tell my students based on my experiences in Hollywood, sure, you can always move to L.A. and try to work with the system, and people do that, but chances are if you want your story in film with characters of color, you will have to make that movie yourself. Find a way to make it yourself. Not just screenwriters, but also producers.

There's times when you're by yourself and you want your girl around or your kids around. You just need somebody around. And other times, boxing makes you feel like you want to be by yourself. You get emotional. That's why after some wins, I cry. Even in my losses, I cry. Because I know how hard I work, and I always want to be victorious.

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