People come home from work, and they just want to unwind.

Most people who work at home find they do not have the benefit of receptionists who serve as personal guards.

I adore the fact that when I'm driving home from work, as soon as I hit my neighbourhood, I see people I know.

Charity is a very personal equation, like we say charity begins at home. It starts with your immediate help in the house: the people who work for you.

Mum worked for a London dressmaker before she married. When she was forced to give up work after her marriage, she carried on dressmaking for people at home.

But I think we're going to have people who work from home a couple of days a week, three days a week, four days a week. And I'm perfectly comfortable with all that.

My work at R.E.I. was incredibly fulfilling and rewarding, especially the stewardship elements of it, the ability to connect young people to public lands close to home.

On 'Scandal,' the majority of the cast, if not all of the cast, comes from theater, so it's a healthy environment. People come into work and actually go home to their families.

A lot of filmmakers from my generation were lucky enough to have their work more or less perpetuated by people who saw them originally on TV and on HBO and certainly on home video.

If I'm tapping anything, it's the frustration of people who have something to say at work or home or in some social setting and just can't do it. I do it for them. I don't take prisoners.

There were very depressing days when the whole year everyone was working, and you were sitting at home because half of the people weren't giving you work and then there were some who didn't like you.

And that's actually the brunt of what we do is, people going straight from their workplace, straight from home, straight into the classroom and working directly with the students. So then we're able to work with thousands and thousands more students.

The way I heard about The American Giving Awards was from the people that I work with. My publicist and I had a conversation a while back about wanting to really get involved more and more. We've been working with the National Council for Adoption with the children's home that I was adopted from called Holston Home.

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