You need to work very hard, you have to spend a lot of time practicing your sport - six to seven hours daily.

When we work for daily soaps, it is very time consuming: like, we work for 12-14 hours. But, doing a show that's interesting makes it worth it.

As chefs, especially pastry chefs, your creativity plays such an important part in your daily work. We truly do have a blank canvas to work with every time we create a new dish.

Speed eventually neared its peak. The records forced me to work ever harder to drop a less and less time. These time trials came to feel like races, which are fun to run sporadically but not daily.

Every time I write down my goals, I realize that I have to hit the gym. I have to eat right. I have to improve in the ring. I have to give it 100%. I have to improve on my promos. These are the things that go through my head daily because I work hard on them.

My work is about the behaviors that we all engage in unconsciously on a collective level. And what I mean by that, it's the behaviors that we're in denial about and the ones that operate below the surface of our daily awareness. And as individuals, we all do these things, all the time, every day.

Even though I know I can work out at any point in my day, I set a time that I want to get this workout in by. I set times when I'm waking up and having breakfast. Finding a few things you can stick to in your daily routine is helpful when there's a lot of uncertainty and your scheduling is really off.

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