People all over the world have problems. And as long as people have problems, the blues can never die.

My contribution to the world is my ability to draw. I will draw as much as I can for as many people as I can for as long as I can.

I think people are looking at Canada and realizing we're a place that is building for the long term and where the world's going to be.

I came up seeing what a lot of young brothers see in this world, and you learn to deal with people with a long handle spoon in order to survive.

I did a long concert tour in England and Denmark and Sweden, and I also sang for the Soviet people, one of the finest musical audiences in the world.

People everywhere in the world have Russian connections. There is nothing wrong with having Russian connections as long as you're transparent about it.

Swedish people live for the summer - it transforms everyone. I don't want to miss having a Swedish summer vacation for as long as I live. It's my favorite thing in the world.

This urbanization that's taking place around the world is very real. But if it's people that are seeking an urbanized environment out of desperation, that's not going to be helpful long term.

It didn't take long for the world to realize that the Shah was an enlightened liberal next to the bloody reactionary regime that followed, and which executed more people in three months than the Shah had done in 30 years.

Mitt Romney's only bottom line is the one at the end of his own bank statement. The problem is that he confuses his own narrow, self-interest - and that of people like him - with the national interest. He thinks as long as we do right by the Mitt Romneys of the world, America will be just fine.

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