I am a big sinner.

I feel so pure in heart.

I would say I am a mediocre Christian.

I have daughters. They love Disney princesses.

Abortionists are not the enemy. Our enemy is sin.

I am a woman's advocate. I stand against abortion.

I believe all children deserve quality health care.

Bottom line: Contraception does not reduce abortion.

Fertility should be shared between a husband and wife.

If the church doesn't minister to sinners, then who will?

We all sin. We all can change. We all can be reborn in Christ.

Some images stick with you forever, images that you can't unsee.

How pro-lifers are perceived by those who oppose us is important.

Never underestimate the power of anyone's story... anyone's life.

I had always believed that I would retire with Planned Parenthood.

Being 'pro-life' means standing up for all life, valuing all life.

The abortion industry is interested in nothing but the bottom line.

Abortion is a severely traumatic and potentially dangerous procedure.

Time is money, and the more breaks given, the less money that is made.

I'm happy to talk to liberal media, and we often have good conversations.

I live with very serious headaches, even though I am on daily medication.

Planned Parenthood is an organization that does not provide quality health care.

Women - and those who love them - need to know the truth about abortion facilities.

I am not just pro-birth. I believe in supporting a woman during and after pregnancy.

No one is beyond the power of conversion, because no one is beyond the power of truth.

I am definitely not the best wife, and no one has nominated me for 'Mother of the Year.'

Part of being a former abortion clinic worker is learning how to deal with your past sin.

Planned Parenthood doesn't care about women's health care needs; it cares about abortion.

I have a nationally distributed film whose pivotal scene is the ultrasound-guided abortion.

I joined Planned Parenthood because I wanted to help poor women with real health care needs.

I try not to go down the 'what if' road very often. It isn't fruitful and just makes you feel crummy.

Throughout history, women have often been treated as second-class citizens and their voices silenced.

The only thing that will keep an abortion worker in the industry longer is a pro-lifer who condemns them.

Planned Parenthood claims to offer a wide variety of services, but they actually fall short in many areas.

I want women to understand that the most beautiful thing a woman's body does is to grow other human beings.

We know the risks of birth control, and yet we continue to pump it into our system as if we have no choice.

It is a beautiful thing to witness when my kids ask about the baby in my belly whenever I have been pregnant.

I am part of a movement that loves women into conversation and conversion. I am part of the pro-woman movement.

Filthy abortion clinics are not uncommon, but finding out about health violations at each clinic is no easy task.

In any business, there are facilities that excel at what they do and others that need improvement and further training.

I didn't grow up believing that abortion was a good choice for women, but since it was legal, I thought it must be okay.

Natural Family Planning works and is as effective, and sometimes more effective, than the birth control methods out there.

When I say, 'I want women to have control over their bodies,' I mean that I want women to know and embrace their fertility.

Planned Parenthood's bottom line is number. And, with abortion as its primary money-maker, that means implementing a quota.

Abortion can never be safe. Any procedure where "success" means the killing of another human being can certainly not be safe.

Pro-life feminists believe in women and their ability. Pro-choice feminists only see women as weak and something to be exploited.

I worked at Planned Parenthood for eight years, rising through the ranks from volunteer escort to clinic counselor to clinic director.

I know from personal experience just how critically important the work of LifeSite is - not just to me but the whole pro-life movement!

Being pro-choice was not just a movement to me; it was a lifestyle. I wholeheartedly embraced that lifestyle and loved being a part of it.

The testimony of former abortion workers can help persuade lawmakers to create fair laws that protect women from dirty abortion facilities.

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