First steps are always the hardest but until they are taken the ...

First steps are always the hardest but until they are taken the notion of progress remains only a notion and not an achievement.

Dare to love yourself

As goes love so goes life.

What hell condemned, let heaven now heal.

Christmas When Music Almost Killed the World

Compassion crowns the soul with its truest victory.

We can cry for years but sometimes gotta smile too.

At the edge of madness you howl diamonds and pearls.

Varieties of angels, like varieties of love, are many.

What a lover’s heart knows let no man’s brain dispute.

Each star is a mirror reflecting the truth inside you.

Life possesses an amazing array of profoundly sad faces.

The more sincere the soul, the heavier the cross endured.

Hearts rebuilt from hope resurrect dreams killed by hate.

Souls reconstructed with faith transform agony into peace.

Everywhere we shine death and life burn into something new.

Dreams dress us carefully in the colors of power and faith.

When we vote we participate in the construction of a context.

Michael Jackson National African American Art Examiner Series

Stars wishing upon the potential of humans shine faithfully on.

Your pain is a school unto itself–– and your joy a lovely temple.

Know yourself fearlessly (even quietly) for all the things you are.

You are the hybrids of golden worlds and ages splendidly conceived.

Passion presented with a greater challenge achieves a greater goal.

Hope drowned in shadows emerges fiercely splendid–– boldly angelic.

Where humanity sowed faith, hope, and unity, joy’s garden blossomed.

True lovers earn their genius in schools of blood, prophecy and dust.

Such are these places where lovers of bliss behold the angel of peace

Here are lips of flame eager to be extinguished by love's liquid sigh.

At its most dynamic, faith evolves into powerful applicable knowledge.

Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.

Stars ink your fingers with a lexicon of flame blazing rare knowledge.

History dressed up in the glow of love’s kiss turned grief into beauty.

In a world gushing blood day and night, you never stop mopping up pain.

Quote words that affirm all men and women are your brothers and sisters.

In your hands winter is a book with cloud pages that snow pearls of love.

War poisons the land Like diseased minds downloaded/ into bowls of tears.

Even when muddy your wings sparkle bright wonders that heal broken worlds.

Un-winged and naked, sorrow surrenders its crown to a throne called grace.

The words ‘I Love You’ kill, and resurrect millions, in less than a second.

A horn of plenty spills from your hands into the starved lives of millions.

Now come the whispers bearing bouquets of moonbeams and sunlight tremblings.

And now we step to the rhythm of miracles. --from The Light, That Never Dies

Love, Mercy, and Grace, sisters all, attend your wounds of silence and hope.

This world’s anguish is no different from the love we insist on holding back.

Trayvon Martin, at the most, seems only to have been guilty of being himself.

On faith’s battered back calm eyes etch prayers that cool a nation’s hot rage.

Nation-building is never a 'done deal' confined to history already established.

A poet is a verb that blossoms light in gardens of dawn, or sometimes midnight.

Poetry looking in the mirror sees art, and art looking in a mirror sings poetry.

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