I'm a big fan of teachers.

I love the Gulf of Mexico.

I'm a huge Katharine Hepburn fan.

Chris Messina is awesome. He's amazing.

I'm so thankful that I got to travel from a relatively young age.

'The Philadelphia Story' is one of my favorite movies, as is 'Bringing Up Baby.'

The majority of my diet is probably vegetables, but I'm not a vegetarian or vegan.

There is nothing like Southern hospitality. It's such a beautiful and genuine thing.

I love nothing more than a good, rich, dark chocolate. It exhilarates. It satisfies.

I grew up in a small Southern town, kind of a counterculture to a small Southern mentality.

Florida surfers learn how to be great on mediocre waves. It trains you, gives you endurance.

'Rectify' has been beautiful and emotional but grueling. In a beautiful way, in the right way.

Travel is the only way to get empathy for other people's mindsets - to know their struggles and what they're drawn to.

Unless you paddle for the wave, you'll never know if you could catch it. But once you do... Ride it as long as you can. Love as long as you can.

I have ice cream every week. Maybe twice. I live for ice cream, but not just any ice cream. It has to be locally sourced and usually somewhere I can walk to.

I love photography. Photographers and photos. I took a ton of pictures in Paris, and I find that I'm most inspired by following other photographers on Instagram.

I worked for 10 years before 'Mad Men,' and what was great is that when people saw my work, I was just loving working, so it wasn't about anything else than that.

Awards are very important for a show like 'Rectify.' We're a small show; we're on a more obscure, harder-to-find channel that is very supportive of creative and singular vision.

My father loved biographies. He loved the true tales of interesting people that were shaping our culture. I get why he dug Vanity Fair. You feel smarter, somehow, for reading it.

My father loved biographies. He loved the true tales of interesting people that were shaping our culture. I get why he dug 'Vanity Fair.' You feel smarter, somehow, for reading it.

It's all about how can you take care of yourself when furthering your life's goals and ambitions, and purpose and whatever you choose - family, career - to maintain a really balanced, whole, healthy outlook.

I prefer active vacations. I really like the adventure aspect of it, and I also like a trip with intentions, where something will be gained on the other side of it. But I also like the option to just be there.

When I was a little girl, I watched old movies maybe shot at Paramount Studios, and the fact that every day I get to drive onto the lot and shoot a show that sometimes takes place in the '40s, it's very interesting.

I feel like network didn't want me. I was doing all these pilots, and it never worked out. I was like, network doesn't like me. I'm going to go to cable where I'm appreciated. Then it was funny; I think I had to go to cable for network to appreciate me.

What happened with 'Mad Men' was I had just had my child, I was in a very literally and creatively fertile time in my life, and I wasn't leaving the house much. So when 'Mad Men' came along, I was so excited to leave the house. Like, I get to go do this beautiful thing.

Gratefulness is a double-edged sword. Because I think we've poured it into a feeling. And the batter of gratitude gets kind of stuck to the edges of the Williams Sonoma melamine mixing bowl. But gratefulness, the act of being grateful is actually... a verb. It's an activity.

I definitely gravitate towards things like vegetables, chicken, brown rice, but I don't deprive myself of anything. If I want a Sprinkles cupcake, I'm having a Sprinkles cupcake. But I'm not going to have one every day... you just have to have a sensible outlook on all of it.

I'm drawn to scenes in movies where you just see characters turning off lights in a room or putting the groceries away; it's like, 'I understand that.' We all have to get ready for bed, and we all do it in a different way, and yet it's all strangely familiar and strangely human.

I try to be really balanced. I walk a lot, I wear a Fitbit, and that has really been a game changer for me. I get my steps, I eat whatever I want, I go to France and put on my bread-and-butter suit. Then I'll be balanced, like I'm going to eat my salads for a few days. But I just try to be really balanced with my body. And that has been a good pact for me so far.

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