Ring of Honor is my home.

I loved working with Jim Cornette.

I'm a very shy, introverted person.

I can't say enough good things about Matt Hardy.

You don't make a statement unless you make noise.

The Internet, as a platform, I think is really fantastic.

I am stoked to go over to Japan and experience that culture.

Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly are seriously like brothers to me.

There are good wrestlers, great wrestlers, and special wrestlers.

Being the first-ever three-time ROH world champion is pretty surreal.

For me, generally speaking, I don't like to make a big deal out of stuff.

Matt Hardy came into ROH with open arms. Matt came into ROH ready to learn.

Nothing turned the NXT Universe upside down like The Undisputed Era's debut.

Wrestling in the Midwest is always such a blast, and a favorite place of mine.

New York, specifically, has been very good to me throughout my wrestling career.

The pressure performing is something you have to get used to, really really quick.

The list of guys who have held the ROH championship, that's an elite group of guys.

There are good wrestling journalists and bad wrestling journalists. That's for sure.

But when it comes down to it, I'm a guy who feels like I should be a champion in NXT.

My grandmother was one of the most loving, caring, and supportive people I've ever met.

The first time I won the Ring of Honor World Championship, I was a kid - I was 23 years old.

Ring of Honor has always been a company that focuses on youths and being a true alternative.

If you sit around and wait for things to happen, they're not going to happen the way you want.

Shawn Michaels, to me and to so many people, is just the greatest in-ring performer of all time.

I've said this before, and I'll say this again: NXT is like a rock concert, roller coaster ride.

There's no better way to start a year than to become the first-ever three-time ROH World Champion.

I'm not just the best in NXT; I'm not just the best in the WWE: I'm the best on the freaking planet.

There is nothing that makes me more falsely arrogant, like, wanting to defend myself, than a TSA agent.

Wrestling has gotten crazy lately in that guys can really make comfortable, good livings outside of WWE.

I'm going to be with Ring of Honor for a while. So I'm focused on making ROH the best company it can be.

Ring Of Honor was so great to me and so great to many young talents where they really give you the ball.

If I was to tell you that I don't want to have a Wrestlemania moment someday, I would 100% be lying to you.

I got signed to Ring Of Honor because Jim Cornette happened to be paying attention to something I was doing.

The only thing cooler than having a dream and accomplishing that dream is getting to do it with your buddies.

For me, travel is one of the biggest perks of pro wrestling. You get to see the world on somebody else's dime.

I think that's the coolest thing about our fans, they not only respect, but they demand, excellence from our guys.

Wrestling is not only my job, it's my life, so when I wasn't able to wrestle, I didn't know what to do with myself.

I think the guys who have been on NXT and got to go to 'RAW' or 'SmackDown' got the full experience. That's what I want.

I started training when I was a senior in high school. I trained at the Combat Zone Wrestling Academy in South Philadelphia.

So if everything goes off great, then it being a triple threat match will make it even more exciting instead of a singles match.

Like me personally, I'm not a huge football guy, but I do watch the Super Bowl every year, and I get into it because it's exciting.

Ring of Honor always has a great general idea of what they think I need, and generally, we agree pretty quickly on what I want to do.

When I was nine years old and dreamed of being a pro wrestler, the thing I was most fascinated by was how much love the wrestlers got.

Without Ring of Honor, I wouldn't be the wrestler I am or have the confidence needed to continue to grow in this ever-challenging sport.

Regardless of who leaves and who stays, Ring of Honor is going to continue to be a healthy, growing, successful pro wrestling promotion.

I do work incredibly hard. I eat, sleep, and breathe pro wrestling with all of my heart, and I'm always committed to giving this my all.

I've been really lucky over the years with my health. To me, one major surgery at 27 years old isn't so bad considering my line of work.

As everyone knows, things change in pro wrestling all the time. To try and expect what's going to happen in the future is just foolish to me.

I look at a guy like Velveteen Dream who has only been wrestling for a couple of years, and he's just filled with charisma, filled with talent.

There is nothing I love more than pro wrestling, so getting to do that all over the globe with some of the best out there is my personal heaven.

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