So perfect — I’m right where I need to be!

I'm a realist. And realists don't fool themselves.

Hey, I'm serious here? Why do you have to ask me how many hits I have?

I'm a small-town guy, and moving to a huge city might be an adjustment.

Cincinnati is perfect for me. I've met a lot of good people there who like to fish.

At Texas, I was a football player playing baseball. And the way I play I think I still am.

Cincinnati needs to take notes from Houston. Houston fans are among the top five fans in the game.

It's always been family first for me. No matter how well my career goes, nobody here will ask anything of me. I'm just another Dunn to them.

I have fun. I always have fun. I don't really get in a hurry about anything. I just try to go with the flow and have fun, and that's how I try to play baseball.

In baseball, it's tough to get up for every single game, every single moment. In football, you have 90,000 fans screaming and the band's playing. I do miss that adrenaline rush.

In my opinion I really haven't done anything yet. I still have a lot to prove. I just want to prove to myself that I can play at the highest level of baseball in the world every day.

I hope baseball doesn't get to the point where everyone's saying, 'He takes it [steroids]. He takes it. He takes it!' because not all of us do. I've been big my whole life, and I'll always be big. That's all natural.

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