My dream was to be a football player.

I learned a lot from Ronaldinho and Messi.

The happiest I can be is when we win games.

I know the way I play is with speed and ability.

I've always been quick, ever since I was little.

We wanted to be footballers, not part of some gang.

All Spanish players want to play for the national team.

It's genetic. I exercise, but I gain mass very quickly.

My heroes were Ronaldinho and Ronaldo, and now it is Messi.

Talent is not enough - it's about using it in the right way.

Maybe there is no player who is faster than me in the world.

I have been playing in different positions and I keep growing.

We know about Portuguese football, we know the Portuguese culture.

If I am the same Adama as yesterday, then it is one day I have lost.

If I can adapt to different tactics I think I will be a better player.

It is nice to be known on 'Fifa 19' as the fastest player in the world.

I believe if you keep pushing and keep believing, you get your rewards.

I don't think that there is anyone quicker than me in the Premier League.

When I came to Aston Villa, they had struggled for two years before then.

There were gangs in the school I went to. They fought each other constantly.

My training? I don't do weights. It's hard to believe, but I don't do weights.

Even if it's an unofficial game, if I am on the pitch, I don't want to lose any game.

That has to help if you know the mentality of your opponent, and how he wants to play.

Whether it's 90 minutes, or a half, 10 minutes or whatever, I want to show what I can do.

We will accept any help we can as we attempt to keep moving forward to become a better team.

If I do not have the option of Barca and I have to go to Real Madrid, I do not close any doors.

If the opponent makes a foul close to their own goal, it's a chance for us. I take it like this.

I work with a nutritionist, I have my personal trainer and another person who is like my physio.

When you know someone has belief in you and likes the way you play, it is great to work together.

No matter the competition, Premier League or Europa League or cup, I want to win. This is the truth.

When there is a difficult moment, you need to stay strong because it's difficult when you don't play.

I like to improve myself every day and whatever my performance, I will always believe I can do better.

Sometimes things might not go as you want them to, but you have to stay focused and fully concentrated.

Every player has a dream to play at Barcelona for a long time, but you have different roles for the team.

Offers from Madrid or Barca will come when they come, but my mentality is to continue growing as a player.

Of course I would like to return to Spanish football, but I promised myself I would be a success in England.

I think the time I spent at Aston Villa was difficult. It was a difficult time and a difficult moment for the team.

There was a misunderstanding with Barca. Something happened that I didn't like, but I prefer to keep it for myself.

Whatever excuses I can make to you about playing so many games, there is no point - the point is we have many games.

My greatest strength is my speed and power. This is what stands out more but I'll get better, I have many attributes.

Wherever you come from, even if it's a rough neighbourhood, there are always good people who know what they want to do.

What I have learnt from my time at Barcelona is the invisible work that goes on off the pitch. It's about the fine details.

Nuno works with each player individually. He has worked with me tactically, on where I have to move and when I have to move.

I spoke to Mali and they understand; I've never lived there and I never said I was going there, my intention was always to play with Spain.

Most of the time I don't go down when they kick me. I try to stay up, so the referee knows that if I go down it's because they kick me badly.

I am quite self-critical, I try to keep focused on what I need to do better, and in the final third of the pitch I know I can do miles better.

Clearly Bolt would beat me over 100 metres on the track. But on grass, over 30 metres with a ball at my feet? I'm winning that race every time!

I usually sprint for 20 to 30 metres - occasionally 50 to 60 metres maximum. But no footballer ever sprints a complete 100 metres during a game.

You know if you give 100 per cent every day that you're going to be happy with yourself. When you lose you've got to pick yourselves up and go again.

It's about working hard, resting when you need to, leading a healthy life, and having a support structure around you. These factors help you improve.

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