Nobody wants to watch perfect people.

I want to touch people's lives, and bring them along with me.

You can be born with a title, but not respect. You have to earn that.

I don't really watch a lot of TV, to be honest. I'm more of a movie girl, or I Netflix stuff.

Auditioning is extremely bizarre. Just being an actor is extremely bizarre, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

The most important thing to me is my work, and reaching people through my work. It's so important to me. It's my passion.

I am half Scottish. My father is an expat from Glasgow, and on my mother's side there's a bit of French, a bit of Scottish, a bit of Irish.

I wouldn't give up my career for somebody. The most important thing to me is my work, and reaching people through my work. It's so important to me. It's my passion.

I'm still good friends with everybody from 'Teen Wolf.' I still see them, and I go to Jeff Davis' for 'Teen Wolf' night when I can. It was such a rewarding experience. That's such a fun set.

I love it when you like a character, and then she does something you don't like, and you hate her for a while - then you love her again. I'd like to see her have unlikable moments that the audience understands and sympathizes with.

I had a moment a few years ago where I wasn't sure if I was acting for myself or because people expected it of me. A bit of a crisis of faith, I suppose. I did some soul-searching, took a break and decided I was going to live my life only for me.

My main goal as an actor, with my craft or whatever poncy way you want to say it, is to always take the audience with me. To make them feel for me, or to make them hate me, I want a reaction. I want their emotions. The worst reaction someone can have is, "eh."

It was difficult for me to feel my feelings, so I just buried them. Then I found that acting was a way for me to get them out. But now that I'm a reasonably sane adult, acting is more about my trying to engage other people: Acting is cathartic for the viewer as well.

I learned by watching my favorite shows. I would just rewind and say the words back, until they sounded right to me. I never studied the American accent, in terms of getting a teacher or taking phonetics classes. I've always been a good mimic. It really wasn't that hard for me.

I didn't know what was going to happen with 'Teen Wolf.' I was only scheduled to do four episodes for them, but they kept me on, and I was like, 'Sweet! I'm still employed! That's awesome!' And then, they let me know that they were considering having me for the second half of the season.

Auditioning and actually acting on a set are two different things. When you audition, you're in a room and you don't have anything to play with and you don't have anything physically in the room. Whereas on set, you have direction, you have costumes, and you have other actors to work with. It's a completely different thing.

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